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This is my first post to my first blog. I'm trying this out to get a sense of what blogging is like. I'm not naturally someone who writes a diary or otherwise feels the need to communicate except when there's a question or a problem to solve or someone to speak to, so we'll see if I can keep this up. I'm sure if people start contacting me or referring to this blog, that'll keep me going.

A little background on me. I am the Group Program Manager at Microsoft for what we call (this year) Office Authoring Services. That is an umbrella term that covers Word, Publisher, and our newest application: OneNote. As I write this, I can say categorically that I'd prefer to edit text in those three apps any day compared to this troglodytic editing experience in the blogging tool. Maybe that'll happen. I live in Seattle, and have been at Microsoft for 10 years, first on Excel, then 9 years on Word. I started the OneNote effort in late 2000, and have come to manage the design team of program managers for Publisher only recently.

Ok, for this third paragraph I have given up on the blogging tool and have moved to Word where I can remain sane while typing (I’m a heavy autocorrect and background spelling user since I never learned to touch-type. Bam! Now you know a little secret about me)


I think I’ll use this blog to muse about OneNote in particular. It’s new, and seems to have a few fans who are vocal about ways OneNote could go in the future. It’s also the kind of application we can rapidly evolve since it doesn’t have a huge user base yet.


So, that’s it for now. If anyone wants to say hi, please do.