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喻勇(Frank Yu)的技术博客



???Blog?????Windows 7??????,??????????,???????!  ...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 11/29/2009

[微软]2009软件“模式与实践”高峰论坛——深圳,12月10 -11日

??(??)?????????????2009?12?10?-11????????????????“2009 ??‘?????’????”?...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 11/28/2009

我的TechEd PPT: MGT100和WCI308

????TechEd???????????,?????????????????PPT????????,?????????   MGT100 ????????---IT???????...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 11/05/2009


????????,?????????????????????????Windows 7????????,??????????????????  ...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 10/18/2009



Author: Frank Yu Date: 10/17/2009


??????TechEd2009?,??????,????:   WCI308 Windows 7?Native VHD Boot?? Native VHD Boot?Windows...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 10/10/2009

Exchange 2010 RTM

Exchange 2010?????????,??????RTM?...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 10/10/2009

TechNet网站最新发布的有关Windows 7技术文章

Five Steps to Windows 7 Application Readiness...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 10/09/2009

Windows 7 White Papers

Note: For the most current and complete information about Windows 7 for developers, see the Windows...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 09/22/2009

Code7 : 用代码释放Windows 7的能量-赢得比赛!

?????Windows 7???-????! Windows 7????????????????????Code 7?????????????? Windows 7???,??????????:...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 09/01/2009


????IT??????????,??????????????,???????????! Case Study - Hyper-V Adoption by HiChina...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/16/2009

Windows 7 VHD Native Boot相关的白皮书和博客文章

???Webcast??Windows 7?VHD Native Boot??,??????????,?????????????:   ???????? Understanding...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/16/2009

如何从U盘安装Windows 7

???Webcast?????,????U???Windows 7?????? ???:??U? ????4GB???U??????,??????????,??U???????? diskpart...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/10/2009


USMT,User States Migration Toolkit??Windows 7??????,USMT???????????: Hard-Link Migration Store: The...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/10/2009

Windows 7 on Channel 9 技术视频大集合

???????????????,????! Kernel and Internals Inside Windows 7 - User Mode Scheduler Inside Windows 7 -...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/08/2009

Windows 7 RC Training Kit for Developers

??????????Windows 7 RC??????,???????Windows 7?????????PPT??????Demo Code? The Windows 7 Training Kit...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/08/2009

微软确定Windows 7 RTM(正式版)发布日期

??Windows 7 team blog??????,Windows 7?RTM(Release To...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/03/2009

微软发布针对IIS Web服务器的搜索引擎优化工具

What is it? Today, we are announcing the IIS Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit Beta – a free...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/03/2009

Project Natal

????????E3????????Xbox360???????,????????“Natal”? From Engadget: Yes, it's real. Now you'll be able...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/02/2009


News MMS 2009: Find out what was announced about Configuration Manager, Operations Manager, the...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/01/2009


News Biztalk Server Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles - Virginia DMV Enhances Decisions, Boosts...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/01/2009


????????,????kumo,?????bing,??????? ?????????? ???????,????????(??????)...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/01/2009

Web Tooling Improvements

10-4 Episode 21: Web Tooling Improvements In this episode of 10-4, Drew Robbins covers some of the...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 06/01/2009


6???“??”????,???7???Exchange 2007?Windows 7???????webcast? ???????,??????TechNet??????????????????...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 05/27/2009

微软发布了针对Windows 7的31款语言包

???????Windows 7?31????,Windows 7 RC??????Windows Update???

Author: Frank Yu Date: 05/27/2009

TechNet Plus订阅版再度推出6折优惠

??????TechNet Plus????????,??????: ???:?? ????:TNSummer09 ????:TechNet Plus????? ????:2009?5?7? --...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 05/06/2009

Windows 7 RC 版将于5/5 日开放下载

???Windows 7...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/30/2009

Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Vista SP2

?????Service Pack????????????Office 2007?SP2,??????????Windows Server 2008?Windows...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/30/2009

Office 2007 SP2

???????Office 2007???Service Pack 2,SP2????????: Microsoft Office Access ???????? Microsoft Office...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/30/2009

Scott Woodgate谈Windows 7的新功能:XP Mode

??,?????????????(MDOP)??Scott Woodgate???????,????Windows 7????XP???????,????????: PressPass spoke...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/30/2009

Windows 7的XP Mode

??,Windows??????????Windows 7???????:XP Mode?????,???Windows 7?????XP????,????????????...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/29/2009

品高软件参加微软新技术体验项目并顺利完成Exchange 2007的集群部署

?????????(IT Pro Momentum)2008????????(?) ?????????(IT Pro...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/20/2009

微软Channel 9推出大型系列片<The History of Microsoft>

Channel 9???????????????:The History of...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/17/2009



Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/17/2009

Exchange 2010了,你准备好了吗?

Exchange 2010??????Public Beta??????????????????,??,??????Office 2010,SharePoint Server 2010, Visio...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/17/2009


???????????  ...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/03/2009



Author: Frank Yu Date: 04/01/2009

From MIX: What’s new in Silverlight 3

Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/20/2009

TechNet动手实验营 4月课程列表


Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/19/2009

IE8 RTW!!!

?!!!IE8??RTW? 3?16?,IE8????????,??RTW(Release to...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/18/2009



Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/17/2009

海航信息采用基于微软Windows Server 2008平台提高IT架构的灵活性

  ?????????(IT Pro Momentum)2008????????(?)        ...

Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/16/2009

微软创新日 (2)

????????? View more presentations from ntoskrnl.

Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/16/2009

微软创新日 (1)

????? – ??????????? View more presentations from ntoskrnl.

Author: Frank Yu Date: 03/16/2009
