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Welcome to the Feature of the Day!

As you can probably tell from the activity on our blog and those around the GP community, things are definitely heating up and getting busy as we prepare for the big launch of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 at Convergence 2010 Atlanta in April!  To help build even more excitement (and a bit of training-readiness), we’re excited to launch the Feature of the Day program.  The Feature of the Day consists of a daily update that will provide you with an overview of some of the great new features set to release with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010.

Each Feature of the Day provides details around the a feature, why it is "cool," and how you can access the new functionality. We’ll do our best to post these every day, but from time to time you may just have to skip a day or two and get multiple features on the same day. :)  I should note that this won’t just be about the BIG features of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 (although there will be plenty of those!), as even the “little things count” when it comes to improving our users productivity and delivering software that works the way they want it to. So without further ado, our first Feature of the Day is…

Advanced Lookup Default Views

Lookups: Customer, Item, Employee, Vendor, Salesperson

Why this feature is cool!

This feature adds additional filters for Advanced Lookups and allows users to save different lookup views as defaults, which will enable quicker access to information and less time searching.

· Added view to filter inactive records

· User are able to filter on any SmartList Favorite

· Users are able to save different views as defaults, including SmartList Favorites

What does it look like? clip_image001

(click the View drop-down box on lookup windows)

Hope you enjoy the Feature of the Day program!  Have a great weekend everyone…

PS: View ALL of the current Feature of the Day posts by following this link...



  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2010
    Not available for GL Accounts?

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2010
    Yes this is available for any lookup window, including GL Accounts. Thanks, Pam Misialek