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Ultra Mobile PCs

While I do not work on Origami (Ultra Mobile PCs) directly, we are working very closely with the UMPC team on topics such as human input and addressing the growing pains we encountered on Tablet v1.0 and 1.5

Lora has been posting a lot on UMPCs lately, being lucky enough to have been loaned one from TabletKiosk.  I'm not so lucky, but I'll sure be one of the first adopters when they are available at retail.

While I haven't been lucky enough to have a UMPC loaned to me, I still feel that the functionality, design and price are right for a go-anywhere PC. Don't get me wrong, I still (heart) my Lenovo x41 Tablet, because nowhere else do you get 6 hours of full-Windows computing time in under 4 lbs. But I realize that there is a gap between the smartphone and the full Tablet experience. UMPC fills that gap.