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August updates for Internet Explorer

The August update for Internet Explorer includes updates to the WebGL and F12 features, in addition to the latest security updates.

As discussed on the Windows blog, we’ll continue to use our existing monthly update process to deliver more frequent improvements in addition to security updates.

New features for Internet Explorer 11

The update includes four feature improvements, based on customer and developer feedback. Some of these improvements were previewed in the Internet Explorer Developer Channel and are now ready for release thanks to your feedback.

Improvements to F12 Developer Tools

This update provides substantial improvements to the F12 developer tools – The user interface, console, DOM explorer, debugger, emulation tool, UI responsiveness and memory profiling tools all have new features and bug fixes.

See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2990946 for more information; we will also be posting more details on the F12 improvements in an upcoming IE blog post.

Updated F12 UI Responsiveness Tool

Improvements to WebGL renderer

The WebGL renderer has also been updated with support for ANGLE_instanced_arrays, OES_element_index_uint and WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extensions, the failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat context creation attribute, 16-bit textures, more GLSL conformance, and line loop and triangle fan primitives.

Additionally, more Windows 7 systems will now render WebGL in hardware mode if your drivers are up-to-date.

This release improves our Khronos WebGL Conformance Test 1.0.3 score from 89.9% to 96.8%. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2991001 for more information. We’ll also have more to share on WebGL in future IE blog posts.

WebDriver support

The August update also provides the foundation for IE11 support of the emerging WebDriver standard through which Web developers can write tests to automate Web browsers to test their sites. It’s a programmable remote control for developing complex user scenarios and running them in an automated fashion in your Web site and browser. The August update contains changes to the browser engine needed to enable native WebDriver support. You will need to install a separate package to run WebDriver scripts, which we will release soon.

Blocking out-of-date ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer

With out-of-date ActiveX control blocking, Internet Explorer helps keep ActiveX controls up-to-date and safer to use. For more information, see our blog post and Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 2991000.

Security updates for Internet Explorer

The August update also includes the following security updates:

  • Microsoft Security Bulletin MS14-051 - This critical security update resolves one publicly disclosed vulnerability and twenty-five privately reported vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer. For more information see the full bulletin.
  • Security Update for Flash Player (2982794) - This security update for Adobe Flash Player in Internet Explorer 10 and 11 on supported editions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 is also available. The details of the vulnerabilities are documented in Adobe security bulletin APSB14-18. This update addresses the vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash Player by updating the affected Adobe Flash binaries contained within Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11. For more information, see the advisory.

Staying up-to-date

Most customers have automatic updating enabled and will not need to take any action because these update will be downloaded and installed automatically. Customers who have automatic updating disabled need to check for updates and install this update manually.

We look forward to hearing your feedback @IEDevChat or via Connect.

— Sharon Meramore, Program Manager, Internet Explorer

— Charles Morris, Program Manager Lead, Internet Explorer