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Follow-Up: import-recipientdataproperty

Last year I blogged about uploading a picture in Outlook 2010 using the power of the Exchange Management Shell in Exchange 2010 (

The following question came back to me:

Is it possible to add the pictures to an Ex2007 Sp1/Outlook 2007 system?

So here’s a follow-up to the first article, time to investigate if pictures can be uploaded in other versions of Exchange / Outlook / Active Directory…

Server environment =  Exchange 2003 sp2 (migex2k3) + Exchange 2007 sp2 (migex2k7) + Exchange 2010 (mailex2k10) + Active Directory 2008

Client environment = Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, and Outlook 2010

Mailboxes on all three servers


Running the below cmdlets on my Exchange 2010 server, shows that it is possible to use the shell to update this attribute for a mailbox located on Exchange 2010, ánd Exchange 2007,  but (sadly, yet expected) not for one located on Exchange 2003.


The picture itself is ONLY visible using Outlook 2010!

Outlook 2003 =


Outlook 2007 =


Outlook 2010 =


However, it is possible to populate the field in AD, and have a picture shown in Outlook 2010 for a mailbox-enabled user located on Exchange 2003 J




Using Outlook 2010, the picture is there :-)


One might wonder if it isn’t possible to use the address template editor in Exchange 2003, and/or  Exchange 2007  (more information here:  to include the field thumbnailPhoto, but no it’s not.
