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XML namespace declarations in SyndicationFeed objects

Following on the heels of Steve Maine's post about namespaces in Syndication objects (Feeds, items, etc.), I thought it wise to plug the new stuff in PictureServices.

At the moment, PictureServices implements SLE (Simple List Extensions), and does a pretty crude job of it at that. Time permitting, I will add more support for field and group customization. For now, it serves as an example more than a carrier grade implementation. In any event, I used extension methods in the following type definition to make it easy to insert the right namespace declarations in the feed:

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.Xml;

namespace Microsoft.DPE.Samples.SyndicationExtensions
    // adds custom namespaces to an item or a feed
    public static class SyndicationNamespaceHelper
        public static void DeclareNamespace(this SyndicationFeed feed, 
                                                 String prefix,
                                                 String ns)
            XmlQualifiedName key = new XmlQualifiedName(prefix, NamespaceUris.XMLNamespace);
            feed.AttributeExtensions.Add(key, ns);

        public static void DeclareNamespace(this SyndicationItem item, 
                                                 String prefix,
                                                 String ns)
            XmlQualifiedName key = new XmlQualifiedName(prefix, NamespaceUris.XMLNamespace);
            item.AttributeExtensions.Add(key, ns);

The usage model is simple - just new up a feed or an item, then call DeclareNamespace. Piece of cake.