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Like Vista Bridge? Love Win API Code Pack for .NET Framework

If you thought the VistaBridge was a cool idea, you're really going to love the next evolution.   Windows 7 has some great new features that will really shine in your managed application, and the Windows SDK team has been working on a way to help you do just that.  

The Windows API Code Pack is a source code library created to support targeting some new Windows 7 features and some other features existing in older versions of Windows from managed code. These features are not available via .NET Framework Class Library today. Using Windows API Code Pack you can target many of these useful Windows features without having to write interop code yourself.

The Code Pack includes a complete source code library, sample applications and API reference documents. You can build the included solution files to get the assemblies for use in your applications or to modify as you like.  Read all about it on the Windows SDK blog.

Below: This sample application shows the management of jump lists in an application, progress bar and usage of Taskbar overlay icons
