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TFS 2010 and Url Scan

In case you are or planning to use URL Scan on top of IIS server which is part of your TFS deployment. Here is a sample UrlScanConfig file that I have used (things in yellow deserve a look):



UseAllowVerbs=0 ; If 1, use [AllowVerbs] section, else use the
; [DenyVerbs] section. The default is 1.

UseAllowExtensions=0           ; If 1, use [AllowExtensions] section, else
                               ; use the [DenyExtensions] section. The
                               ; default is 0.

NormalizeUrlBeforeScan=1       ; If 1, canonicalize URL before processing.
                               ; The default is 1.  Note that setting this
                               ; to 0 will make checks based on extensions,
                               ; and the URL unreliable and is therefore not
                               ; recommend other than for testing.

VerifyNormalization=1          ; If 1, canonicalize URL twice and reject
                               ; request if a change occurs.  The default
                               ; is 1.

AllowHighBitCharacters=0       ; If 1, allow high bit (ie. UTF8 or MBCS)
                               ; characters in URL.  The default is 0.

AllowDotInPath=1               ; If 1, allow dots that are not file
                               ; extensions. The default is 0. Note that
                               ; setting this property to 1 will make checks
                               ; based on extensions unreliable and is
                               ; therefore not recommended other than for
                               ; testing.


RemoveServerHeader=0 ; If 1, remove the 'Server' header from
; response. The default is 0.

;**Note setting RemoveServerHeader to 1 will cause the Team Project Creation fail with 400 bad request error while uploading files to WSS document list libraries


EnableLogging=1                ; If 1, log UrlScan activity.  The
                               ; default is 1.  Changes to this property
                               ; will not take effect until UrlScan is
                               ; restarted.

PerProcessLogging=0            ; This property is deprecated for UrlScan
                               ; 3.0 and later.  UrlScan 3.0 and later can
                               ; safely log output from multiple processes
                               ; to the same log file.  Changes to this
                               ; property will not take effect until
                               ; UrlScan is restarted.

AllowLateScanning=0            ; If 1, then UrlScan will load as a low
                               ; priority filter.  The default is 0.  Note
                               ; that this setting should only be used in
                               ; the case where there another installed
                               ; filter is modifying the URL and you wish
                               ; to have UrlScan apply its rules to the
                               ; rewritten URL.  Changes to this property
                               ; will not take effect until UrlScan is
                               ; restarted.

PerDayLogging=1                ; If 1, UrlScan will produce a new log each
                               ; day with activity in the form
                               ; 'UrlScan.010101.log'. If 0, UrlScan will
                               ; log activity to urlscan.log.  The default
                               ; is 1.  Changes to this setting will not
                               ; take effect until UrlScan is restarted.

UseFastPathReject=0            ; If 1, then UrlScan will not use the
                               ; RejectResponseUrl.  On IIS versions less
                               ; than 6.0, this will also prevent IIS
                               ; from writing rejected requests to the
                               ; W3SVC log.  UrlScan will log rejected
                               ; requests regardless of this setting.  The
                               ; default is 0.

LogLongUrls=0                  ; This property is deprecated for UrlScan 3.0
                               ; and later. UrlScan 3.0 and later will
                               ; always include the complete URL in its log
                               ; file.

UnescapeQueryString=1          ; If 1, UrlScan will perform two passes on
                               ; each query string scan, once with the raw
                               ; query string and once after unescaping it.
                               ; If 0, UrlScan will only look at the raw
                               ; query string as sent by the client.  The
                               ; default is 1. Note that if this property is
                               ; set to 0, then checks based on the query
                               ; string will be unreliable.

; If UseFastPathReject is 0, then UrlScan will send
; rejected requests to the URL specified by RejectResponseUrl.
; If not specified, '/Rejected-by-UrlScan' will be used.
; Changes to this setting will not take effect until UrlScan
; is restarted.
; Note that setting "RejectResponseUrl=/~*" will put UrlScan into Logging
; Only Mode.  In this mode, UrlScan will process all requests per the
; config settings, but it will only log the results and not actually
; reject the requests.  This mode is useful for testing UrlScan settings
; on a production server without actually interrupting requests.


; LoggingDirectory can be used to specify the directory where the
; log file will be created.  This value should be the absolute path
; (ie. c:\some\path).  If not specified, then UrlScan will create
; the log in the same directory where the UrlScan.dll file is located.
; Changes to this setting will not take effect until UrlScan is
; restarted.


; If RemoveServerHeader is 0, then AlternateServerName can be
; used to specify a replacement for IIS's built in 'Server' header


; UrlScan supports custom rules that can be applied in addition to the other
; checks and options specified in this configuration file.  Rules should be
; listed in a comma separated string in the RuleList property.  Each rule in
; the list corresponds to two sections in this configuration file, one
; containing the options for the rule, and one containing deny strings for
; the rule.
; Here is an example:
;   [Options]
;   RuleList=Rule1
;   [Rule1]
;   AppliesTo=.exe,.dll        ; A comma separated list of file extensions to
;                              ; which the rule applies.  If not specified,
;                              ; the rule will be applied to all requests.
;   DenyDataSection=Rule1 Data ; The name of the section containing the
;                              ; rule's deny strings
;   ScanURL=0                  ; If 1, the URL will be scanned for deny
;                              ; strings. The default is 0.
;   ScanAllRaw=0               ; If 1, then the raw request header data will
;                              ; be scanned for deny strings.  The default
;                              ; is 0.
;   ScanQueryString=0          ; If 1, the the query string will be scanned
;                              ; for deny strings.  The default is 0.  Note
;                              ; that if UnescapeQueryString=1 is set in the
;                              ; [Options] section, then two scans will be
;                              ; made of the query string, one with the raw
;                              ; query string and one with the query string
;                              ; unescaped.
;   ScanHeaders=               ; A comma separated list of request headers to
;                              ; be scanned for deny strings.  The default is
;                              ; no headers.
;   DenyUnescapedPercent=0     ; If 1, UrlScan will scan the specified part
;                              ; of the raw request for a % character that is
;                              ; not used as an escape sequence.  If found,
;                              ; the request will be rejected.  This check
;                              ; can be used with ScanQueryString=1,
;                              ; ScanAllRaw=1, or the list of ScanHeaders.
;                              ; The default is 0.  Note that if you want to
;                              ; deny non-escaped % characters in the URL,
;                              ; you can set VerifyNormalization=0 in the
;                              ; [Options] section and then add % as a
;                              ; [DenyUrlSequences] entry.
;   [Rule1 data]
;   string1
;   string2



; The entries in this section impose limits on the length
; of allowed parts of requests reaching the server.
; It is possible to impose a limit on the length of the
; value of a specific request header by prepending "Max-" to the
; name of the header.  For example, the following entry would
; impose a limit of 100 bytes to the value of the
; 'Content-Type' header:
;   Max-Content-Type=100
; Any headers not listed in this section will not be checked for
; length limits.
; There are 3 special case limits:
;   - MaxAllowedContentLength specifies the maximum allowed
;     numeric value of the Content-Length request header.  For
;     example, setting this to 1000 would cause any request
;     with a content length that exceeds 1000 to be rejected.
;     The default is 30000000.
;   - MaxUrl specifies the maximum length of the request URL,
;     not including the query string. The default is 260 (which
;     is equivalent to MAX_PATH).
;   - MaxQueryString specifies the maximum length of the query
;     string.  The default is 2048.



; The verbs (aka HTTP methods) listed here are those commonly
; processed by a typical IIS server.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowVerbs=1"
; is set in the [Options] section above.



; The verbs (aka HTTP methods) listed here are used for publishing
; content to an IIS server via WebDAV.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowVerbs=0"
; is set in the [Options] section above.



; The following request headers alter processing of a
; request by causing the server to process the request
; as if it were intended to be a WebDAV request, instead
; of a request to retrieve a resource.



; Extensions listed here are commonly used on a typical IIS server.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowExtensions=1"
; is set in the [Options] section above.



; Extensions listed here either run code directly on the server,
; are processed as scripts, or are static files that are
; generally not intended to be served out.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowExtensions=0"
; is set in the [Options] section above.
; Also note that ASP scripts are denied with the below
; settings.  If you wish to enable ASP, remove the
; following extensions from this list:
;    .asp
;    .cer
;    .cdx
;    .asa

; Deny executables that could run on the server

; Deny infrequently used scripts
.htw     ; Maps to webhits.dll, part of Index Server
.ida     ; Maps to idq.dll, part of Index Server
.idq     ; Maps to idq.dll, part of Index Server
.htr     ; Maps to ism.dll, a legacy administrative tool
.idc     ; Maps to httpodbc.dll, a legacy database access tool
.shtm    ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.shtml   ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.stm     ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.printer ; Maps to msw3prt.dll, for Internet Printing Services

; Deny various static files
.ini     ; Configuration files
.log     ; Log files
.pol     ; Policy files
.dat     ; Configuration files
.config  ; Configuration files

; URLs listed here will always be explicitly allowed by UrlScan
; and will bypass all UrlScan checks.  URLs must be listed
; with a leading '/' character.  For example:
;   /SampleURL.htm

; If any character sequences listed here appear in the URL for
; any request, that request will be rejected.

..  ; Don't allow directory traversals
./  ; Don't allow trailing dot on a directory name
\   ; Don't allow backslashes in URL
:   ; Don't allow alternate stream access
%   ; Don't allow escaping after normalization
&   ; Don't allow multiple CGI processes to run on a single request

; Query strings listed here will always be explicitly allowed by
; UrlScan and will bypass all query string based checks.

; If any character sequences listed here appear in the query
; string for any request, that request will be rejected.

<   ; Commonly used by script injection attacks
>   ; Commonly used by script injection attacks