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Teens not interested in Science? Get Diane Kruger to play Geek...

No seriously that is the option. Or maybe Brad Pitt too.

BBC News had a survey among 11,000 adolescents recently about science and scientists and came up with the response that over 70% of them said scientists are not seen as "normal and young attractive men and women"

They all agreed aleast 80% of them did that scientists did "important work" and 70% said they did that "creatively and imaginatively".Throw in the fact that enrollments for science and math are declining at rapid proportions.

Assuming the kids want to work in a position of importance and be creative and imaginative What is obvious from this is that looking normal, young and attractive is more important than really doing important creative work! Well these are adolescent kids... but still!

Hence the Solution - Diane Kruger. :)