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Mahjayar's WebLog.

New year and new beginings

Hi, I have recently made the decision to start on a new adventure outside Microsoft. With me moving...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/16/2011

Sync Framework 4.0 CTP Refresh Now Available

As mentioned in my earlier post the 4.0 CTP refresh is now available. It contains the UI Helper for...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/18/2010

Announcing Sync Framework 4.0 CTP

Back in Mix 10 we showed an application built with the intention of extending the Sync Framework to...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/09/2010

Announcing the availability of the MIX10 Session Planner (Beta)

Sorry for the radio silence the past couple of months. We have been working on our the next version...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/01/2010

Software Engineer In Test Opportunities Available In The Microsoft Sync Framework team

If you are interested in the data synchronization space then we have opportunties available on the...

Author: mjayaram Date: 01/14/2010

SQL Azure Data Sync – Moving Schema from Compact Database to SQL Azure

Update 12/11: Fixing a typo in the code as pointed by the commenter. With yesterdays announcement of...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/18/2009

Announcing Microsoft Sync Framework Power Pack For SQL Azure CTP

PDC 2009 starts today and Ray Ozzie and Bob Muglia kicked off todays keynote presentation. It gives...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/17/2009

MSF V2 DeepDive – Batching Directory and Batch Files

This is a continuation from the previous post I did explaining the new memory based batching feature...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/16/2009

PDC 2009 is next week and I wanted to have a quick post on some of the sessions about Microsoft Sync...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/13/2009

MSF V2 CTP2 Deep Dive – Memory Based Batching

Its been quite a while since I posted about MSF v2 CTP2. As promised in my earlier posts I will be...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/16/2009

Announcing Sync Framework 2.0 CTP2

We just released CTP2 of Microsoft Sync Framework V2. Check out the blog entry at...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/05/2009

Looking for volunteers for Project Huron Early Adopter Program

Ever since we announced Project Huron at PDC last year we have been hard at work trying to scope out...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/30/2009

SyncServicesADO.NET Survery

We are looking for some SyncServices for ADO.NET users (both Hub spoke and peer to peer toplogy) to...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/07/2009

DbSyncProvider WCF Based Synchronization– Memory Performance Analysis Of DataSet Binary SerializationFormat Vs DataSet Surrogates

I had posted earlier about the memory performance when using default DataSet serialization behavior...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/10/2009

New Microsoft Sync Framework case study data available.

We recently updated our official MSF blog with three new Customer Spotlight case study data...

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/25/2009

I am a PC and I am 4 1/2 – Cute!

Video: Kylie uses Windows Live Photo Gallery   Cute..very cute.

Author: mjayaram Date: 02/12/2009

DbSyncProvider: Improving memory performance involving execissive conflicts.

This is the second post aimed at providing tips for improving runtime memory footprint when using...

Author: mjayaram Date: 01/15/2009

Updated GUI Tool to configure SSL on a given port using Httpcfg.exe

One of my first posts was a link to my managed UI wrapper that let users view/configure/edit SSL...

Author: mjayaram Date: 01/02/2009

Getting Windows Live Toolbar Favorities sync to work

Recently a commenter posted that they were unable to get Favorities sync to work (or show as an...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/23/2008

Microsoft Sync Framework and Windows Live Favorites Sync

Windows Live team just released the beta for Windows Live Essentials. I wanted to quickly point out...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/15/2008

PDC 08 Summary - Project "Huron" and MSF V2 CTP

PDC 08 was last week and I wanted to summarize the PDC sync specific announcements. Hope every one...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/06/2008

No Re-release of Microsoft Sync Framework V1

Last week, Mary Jo Foley reported that we re-released Microsoft Sync Framework V1 with updated bits....

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/22/2008

PD 2008 – Sync Framework Sessions

We have 3 sessions planned for PDC. Details of the sessions: Microsoft Sync Framework Advances...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/12/2008

DbSyncProvider: Improving Memory Performance In WCF Based Synchronization

Users have frequently wanted the ability to remotely synchronize relational nodes in a peer to peer...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/01/2008

Announcing the release of Microsoft Sync Framework V1 and Sync Services for ADO.Net V2

Microsoft just released SQL Server 2008 and with that we have also released the golden versions of...

Author: mjayaram Date: 08/06/2008

Announcing availability of a new Sync sample - SQL Express Client Synchronization using Sync Services for ADO.NET

We have released a new sample on our Sync code gallery site that demonstrates use of Sql Express...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/24/2008

Upgrading Silverlight Samples to Beta2

Cross posting from Now that Silverlight Beta2 has been released I have...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/20/2008

Live Mesh Invites - First come first serve

I have been using Live Mesh for quite some time now as they were our first Silverlight internal...

Author: mjayaram Date: 05/02/2008

Moving on: From Connected Systems to Sync.

After nearly 4 years with Connected Systems, I have decided to move to the Data Replication and Sync...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/26/2008

Technorati Tags: Silverlight,WebServices Hope everyone had a chance to download and play with the...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/11/2008

Step by Step Guide to Silverlight POX Proxy Sample.

Technorati Tags: Silverlight,POX,XmlSerializer,JSON Scott Guthrie laid out all the details regarding...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/05/2008

Mix 08 and Silverlight 2

Mix 2008 is just hours away and I am very excited to talk about all the work we have been doing to...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/04/2008

.Net 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 released

Just like that the .Net train continues to move along to the next version of the framework....

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/21/2007

Setup my personal blog on a new domain. Finally!!

After a lot of procrastination I finally got a new blog on my personal domain hosted at...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/08/2007

Experimenting with the new MSN Messenger IM Control

Microsoft just announced the Messenger IM control. I took a quick look at it and found it to be...

Author: mjayaram Date: 11/06/2007

Microsoft releasing .NET framework source code

Microsoft is releasing the source code for the framework libraries. Read more about it here. Its not...

Author: mjayaram Date: 10/03/2007

Implications of using IPCServerChannel when connection from remote clients

In .Net 2.0 (Whidbey), Remoting introduced support for IPC channels. This was a quick way for local...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/24/2007

Custom pick a Remoting channel based on Remote object Uri

One common question I see on Remoting forum is how to configure a proxy to use a particular channel...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/15/2007

Recommendation for a good Windows based web hosting

I have always toyed with the idea of having my own domain and I am finally ready to move my blog off...

Author: mjayaram Date: 09/14/2007

Can you believe this!

Funny way to welcome your new employees. The video ends with one guy saying "this experience is...

Author: mjayaram Date: 06/30/2007

Silverlight and Connected Systems role in Silverlight

Microsoft recently announced Silverlight at the Mix 07 conference. Now that its released I can...

Author: mjayaram Date: 05/18/2007

Silverlight and CSD

Microsoft recently announced Silverlight at the Mix 07 conference. Now that its released I can...

Author: mjayaram Date: 05/18/2007

Funny clip

Came across this really funny clip on SoapBox. Enjoy. Tough Guy AuditionVideo: Tough Guy Audition

Author: mjayaram Date: 05/08/2007

Debugging the mystery of the crashing desktop - Part 2

Continued from Part 1: I enabled Driver verifier for Win32k.Sys and the video driver and then...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/02/2007

Debugging the mystery of the crashing desktop

My home desktop running Vista would crash with a blue screen everytime I logged in the main console...

Author: mjayaram Date: 04/01/2007

WCF Extensibility - Plugging in custom message processing logic

I have talked a lot about WCF's extensibility model and I never knew how much of the core...

Author: mjayaram Date: 03/15/2007

WCF Runtime Components

After I posted my earlier entry on debugging WCF apps, I thought it would be a good idea to explain...

Author: mjayaram Date: 12/22/2006
