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Jordanian Team makes it to Round 2 of the World Finals!

I was so proud yesterday seeing the Jordanian Flag on stage – as Oasys Team, the Jordan Champion, has qualified to the second round at the Imagine Cup 2011 Finals in New York!



The Jordan & the Moroccan teams are officially now in the top 18 College Teams World Wide at the Imagine Cup 2011 Finals in New York in Software Design track. This is out of 76 teams who got to the world finals, and out of over 300,000 students who participated in the competition worldwide. The Egyptian team has also qualified in the Embedded Track.

Today they do another round with the judges, and the top 6 finalists will be announced in the evening. Inshallah Khair.


Middle East Teams at the Imagine Cup 2011 Finals in New York

with Walid Abu Hadba,Vice President of Development and Platform at Microsoft

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