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VMware monitoring with OMS – Public Preview


Hello everyone. This is Keiko from the  OMS Program Management Team. After my previous blog, Monitor VMware using OMS Log Analytics, in June, we had an overwhelming response from customers. Thanks to your feedback, I was able to create a VMware Monitoring Solution, which I am happy to announce is in Public Preview.

Screenshot of the VMware Monitoring Solution

This solution collects VMware ESXi host logs from any location and provides centralized searching and viewing for better monitoring and troubleshooting. By using the native ESXi host syslog forwarding to a Linux VM, OMS Agent for Linux collects the data and passes it to OMS as you see in the following diagram.

Diagram of how the OMS Agent for Linux collects data and pass it to OMS

In addition to what I have presented in my previous blog, I’ve added more monitoring features to this solution:

  • VM activities such as user creation/deletion information
  • Clear presentation of event tracking and failure status
  • ESXi host SCSI events, storage latency, and host path failure

Let me introduce you to some of the newly added features.

Virtual machine user activities and drill down

This feature tracks VM activities, such as VM creation or deletion by users and ESXi hosts. You can drill down to get further information as well.

Screenshot of VM activities

Failure information view

This feature shows information about the ESXi host failure at a glance. These failures can be broken into failure types, ESXi hosts, and error messages for deeper troubleshooting.

Screenshot of ESXi host failures

This feature provides ESXi host and event information in detail. It can show you trending of the host events as you see in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of ESXi host and event information in detail

I’ve also added a few more example queries that can be quickly used as is for alerting, trending, and analysis.

Screenshot of example queries

For detailed information about how to set up this solution and supported ESXi Host versions, see VMware (Preview) solution in Log Analytics.

Sadly, we are not able to introduce all the capabilities in this blog, but definitely, try this VMware Monitoring Solution, and let us know what you think.

How do I try this?

Get a free Microsoft Operations Management Suite (#MSOMS) subscription so that you can test the VMware Monitoring Solution features. You can also get a free subscription for Microsoft Azure.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and the Microsoft OMS Facebook site. If you want to learn more about VMware Monitoring Solution and OMS, visit the Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog.

How can I give you guys feedback?

There are a few different routes to give feedback:

Your feedback is most important to us. If you see any features you like that are not here, we like to hear that from you as well.

Keiko Harada
Program Manager
Microsoft Operations Management Team


  • Anonymous
    September 26, 2016
    Excellent.I will share the VMware monitoring to our customers/partners.
  • Anonymous
    September 27, 2016
    I'm trying to set it up, but I don't see the "vmware_esxi.conf" in "/etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/sysconf/omsagent.d"What am I doing wrong, or what am I missing?
  • Anonymous
    September 29, 2016
    Hi,I'm trying to set up the solution but it is not working as written in post. I update the OMS Agent for Linux and follow all the instructions on the official post. Also the syslog on ESXi are configured and ports are opened to Linux server.No syslogs are send to OMS. Is there something that should be configured on OMS?
    • Anonymous
      September 29, 2016
      Send email to to provide detail on what you are seeing. thanks.
      • Anonymous
        October 03, 2016
        Per our conversation and looking at your logs, it does not seem to be a VMware Solution issue. We will address this with correct team.
  • Anonymous
    October 22, 2016
    Hello,how to enable scsi correlator field and low diskspace error fields in log? syslog facilities are not coming up. can you help me configure?
    • Anonymous
      October 26, 2016
      Hi Tsung, can you send more detailed information on the scsi correlation and low diskspace to the email That would help us. Also, we are not capturing syslog facilities but let us know what you want to do with this. Thanks,
  • Anonymous
    March 06, 2017
    Hello,I've onboarded ESX environment into OMS, however prior to that when installing the VMWare monitoring solution it simply displays "Unknown type VMware_CL" 9 times. Would this be a subscription or ARM problem?
  • Anonymous
    April 09, 2017
    Hello,Is there any way to send similar monitoring information to SCOM on-premise?