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.NET Micro Framework moves to Asia

Between our launch in February and now, the .NET Micro Framework team has focused primarily on North America and Europe. This was largely because, as a small team, that was all we could handle well. We have been working with some companies in Taiwan, Korea, and Japan but there were just a few. In Sept we changed all that.


Microsoft China and CSIP, a joint venture between Microsoft and the Chinese government, hosted a .NET Micro Framework workshop where there were presentations from Microsoft China, CSIP, Digi, Freescale, and the .NET MF team. The event was well attended and from the feedback, well received. In fact, the event was oversubscribed so we may need to go back to cover the folks who could not make this one.


 Micro Framework in Beijing



From Beijing, we went down to Shanghai for the first ARM/Microsoft Executive Summit held in China. This meeting was also very successful. The audience here is mostly building ARM-based products so this was a good fit for our story.

Micro Framework in Shanghai

Overall, this was a great way to start out in China. We are looking forward to many follow-up opportunities coming from these meetings.

