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Approve failed for the Distribution Group

I came across a scenario where we were using SharePoint Directory Management Service (just SMTP/POP3 email infrastructure, no Exchange Server yet) to create distribution groups and we wanted to create a new SharePoint Group with E-Mail Distribution List and it fails with "Approve failed for the distribution group" error message.

You see an error similar to the below one in ULS Logs.

01/09/2010 04:26:55.43 w3wp.exe (0x07F4) 0x11C4 Windows SharePoint Services Topology 8zri High System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x8007200A): The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007200A) at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges() at Microsoft.SharePoint.EmailIntegration.SPEWSADManager.CreateDistributionGroup(String Alias, String Name, String Description, Object memberList, Boolean RequireContactValidation, DistributionGroupFlags Flags)SPEWSADManager::CreateDistributionGroup

We go to Site Settings > People and Groups > New > Group > Type in details and make sure to choose “Yes” for Create an e-mail distribution group for this group and specify a Distribution list e-mail address.


This will send the above mentioned DL to approval at Central Admin > Operations > Approve/reject distribution groups


When we click on the group name and click on Approve we get the error messageclip_image004


After doing quite some research, I found upon clicking on Approve, AD responds with noSuchAttribute as the msExchRequireAuthToSendTo attribute is unknown. This attribute is only available with Exchange 2003 or later.


Best way would be to install Exchange 2003 however its observed that if Exchange 2003 AD Extensions can be installed by just Exchange_Setup.exe /ForestPrep.


Once the ForestPrep is successful, you should no longer get the error message after clicking on Approve and should see a Distribution Group successfully getting created in the designated OU in AD.


When you use the /ForestPrep option, the Exchange Setup program extends the Active Directory schema to add Exchange-specific classes and attributes. THIS PROCESS IS IRREVERSIBLE and you should understand the consequences of running /ForestPrep prior to running it.