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Office, SharePoint, and Exchange Server Protocol Documentation Updates — March, 2017

During December, January, and February we released the following Open Specifications documents with updates for Exchange ActiveSync 16.1, bug fixes, and a variety of other updates. As always, specific changes to the technical content are indicated in the Change Tracking section at the end of each document.

Office Protocols: [MS-CVWREST]: Unified Communications Call Via Work Protocol

[MS-ECREST]: Unified Communications Event Channel Protocol

[MS-OCSPROT]: Lync and Lync Server Protocols Overview

[MS-SIPRE]: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Routing Extensions

[MS-TURN]: Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extensions

Office File Formats: [MS-DOC]: Word (.doc) Binary File Format

[MS-OSHARED]: Office Common Data Types and Objects Structures

[MS-OWEMXML]: Office Web Extensibility Manifest Format

[MS-XLSB]: Excel (.xlsb) Binary File Format

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards Support: [MS-DOCX]: Word Extensions to the Office Open XML (.docx) File Format

[MS-ODRAWXML]: Office Drawing Extensions to Office Open XML Structure

[MS-OFFMACRO2]: Office Macro-Enabled File Format Version 2

[MS-OI29500]: Office Implementation Information for ISO/IEC 29500 Standards Support

[MS-OODF3]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.2 Standards Support

[MS-XLSX]: Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format

SharePoint Products and Technologies Protocols: [MS-ADR2]: Access Services Data Run Time Protocol Version 2

[MS-APPMWSP]: SharePoint App Management Web Service Protocol

[MS-COPYS]: Copy Web Service Protocol

[MS-DMCSOM]: Document Management Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-DWSS]: Document Workspace Web Service Protocol

[MS-FSSHTTP]: File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol

[MS-FSSHTTPB]: Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol

[MS-LISTSWS]: Lists Web Service Protocol

[MS-OUTSPS]: Lists Client Sync Protocol

[MS-PUBCSOM]: Publishing Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-SITESS]: Sites Web Service Protocol

[MS-SOCCSOM]: SharePoint Social Client-Side Object Model Protocol

[MS-SPSTWS]: SharePoint Security Token Service Web Service Protocol

[MS-SPTWS]: Service Platform Topology Web Service Protocol

[MS-TMPLDISC]: Template Discovery Web Service Protocol

[MS-VERSS]: Versions Web Service Protocol

[MS-WDVME]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Microsoft Extensions

[MS-WEBSS]: Webs Web Service Protocol

[MS-WSSFO3]: Windows SharePoint Services (WSS): File Operations Database Communications Version 3 Protocol

[MS-WWSP]: Workflow Web Service Protocol

Exchange Server Protocols: [MS-ASAIRS]: Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol

[MS-ASCAL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol

[MS-ASCMD]: Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol

[MS-ASCNTC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol

[MS-ASCON]: Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol

[MS-ASDOC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Document Class Protocol

[MS-ASDTYPE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Data Types

[MS-ASEMAIL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol

[MS-ASHTTP]: Exchange ActiveSync: HTTP Protocol

[MS-ASMS]: Exchange ActiveSync: Short Message Service (SMS) Protocol

[MS-ASNOTE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Notes Class Protocol

[MS-ASPROV]: Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol

[MS-ASRM]: Exchange ActiveSync: Rights Management Protocol

[MS-ASTASK]: Exchange ActiveSync: Tasks Class Protocol

[MS-ASWBXML]: Exchange ActiveSync: WAP Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm [MS-OXCFXICS]: Bulk Data Transfer Protocol

[MS-OXCPRPT]: Property and Stream Object Protocol

[MS-OXCRPC]: Wire Format Protocol

[MS-OXNSPI]: Exchange Server Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol

[MS-OXWSATT]: Attachment Handling Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSCDATA]: Common Web Service Data Types

[MS-OXWSDLGM]: Delegate Access Management Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSMSG]: Email Message Types Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSSRCH]: Mailbox Search Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSSYNC]: Mailbox Contents Synchronization Web Service Protocol

[MS-OXWSTASK]: Tasks Web Service Protocol