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"Friend", "Follow", or "Stalk" Us Online

By Jeff Greene /


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As part of our ongoing effort to keep you updated about Microsoft’s efforts in digital imaging, we have now added a Microsoft_Photo Facebook page


In addition to Facebook, our online presence also includes the Microsoft Pro Photo Community web page,  the Microsoft Pro Photo Blog , and Twitter/Microsoft_Photo.


These sites are part of our ongoing effort to engage in online Social Media and we invite you to “Friend” and “Follow” us to keep up on the latest news and information regarding digital photography.


Feel free to mention the Microsoft Photo sites in your blog posts, “Tweets”, and other personal status updates. Our goal is to engage digital imaging enthusiasts worldwide to discuss products, techniques, and all activity in digital photography. The web site, blog, Twitter; and Facebook will provide multiple channels for conversation between Microsoft, photographers, and the digital imaging industry.


Join us....




Microsoft Pro Photo Community web page

Microsoft Pro Photo Blog ,

Microsoft_Photo Facebook page.




Microsoft Pro Photo Community and Icons of Imaging websites:

Microsoft Pro Photo Communtiy Website Icons of Imaging



  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2009
    Nice, Im looking forward to see where this leads. Im one of the first to follow you :)