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URL access with rc:Toolbar command fails with rsRenderingExtensionNotFound

Recently i was working on a scenario where Reporting Services 2016 is configured for SharePoint (Applicable to both 2013 and 2016) integrated mode. Now, when you use URL access with the rc:Toolbar command, the reports would fail with the following error:

You have attempted to use a rendering extension that is either not registered for this report server or it is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsRenderingExtensionNotFound)

Upon further investigation, we found that when we use rc:Toolbar command, Reporting Services would attempt to render the report explicitly in HTML5 format as opposed to RPL format. The HTML5 rendering extension should have been configured by default. Since it was not, we've to manually do that as shown below. The possible reason could be the integration was done with  SharePoint 2013 instance that has been upgraded to SharePoint 2016.

  1. Open the SharePoint management shell as an Administrator.
  2. Run the command: $app=get-sprsserviceapplication –Name "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
  3. Note that the name to use in the above step could be taken from SharePoint central admin -> Manage service application under Application management and look for "SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application" as shown below:
  4. Followed by the command in #2, run the following command:
    New-SPRSExtension -identity $app -ExtensionType "Render" -name "HTML5" -TypeName "Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.Html5RenderingExtension,Microsoft.ReportingServices.HtmlRendering" -ExtensionConfiguration "<DeviceInfo><DataVisualizationFitSizing>Approximate</DataVisualizationFitSizing></DeviceInfo>"
  5. This should give you an output as shown below:
  6. Do an IISRESET from a command prompt in admin mode.
  7. Now render the Report with the command rc:Toolbar. The URL should resemble the following:
    https://xxxxx/_vti_bin/reportserver?https://xxxxx/Shared Documents/HelloWorld.rdl&rs:Command=Render&rc:ToolBar=False

That should ensure that the reporting services 2016 in SharePoint mode is now capable of using the rs:Toolbar command. Do that this issue would not surface when you're using the URL against the Reporting Services 2016 in Native mode.

If you would like to remove this extension or any other extension in the future, use the following command preceded by #2:

Remove-SPRSExtension  -identity $app -ExtensionType "Render" -name "HTML5"

In order to get the correct Extension name to use in the cmdlets, use the following PowerShell script to list all the Rendering extensions registered with Reporting Services instance.

$apps = Get-SPRSServiceApplication
foreach ($app in $apps)
Write-host -ForegroundColor "yellow" Service App Name $app.Name
Get-SPRSExtension -identity $app -ExtensionType “Render” | select name,extensiontype | Format-Table -AutoSize

Similarly, you can use the ExtensionType parameter value as "Data" instead of "Render" in the above script to list all the registered Data extensions.

Ref: PowerShell cmdlets for Reporting Services SharePoint Mode

Hope this helps!


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