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Getting More Information About You Cluster LUN’s (Part 2 of 3)

So here’s the scenario you need or want to figure out which LUN is which on your cluster…

Yesterday I posted a script which used Get-ClusterParameter and the Physical Disk Private Properties to gather information on the storage being used by the cluster – as promised here’s a less verbose version of that script…


Import-Module FailoverClusters $csv1 = Get-ClusterSharedVolume Cluster_CSV1_IBMXIV $csvParams = Get-ClusterParameter -InputObject $csv1 $DiskUniqueIds = ($csvParams | Where-object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq "DiskUniqueIds"}).Value $CountOfIdentifiers = $DiskUniqueIds[8] $currentArrayIndex = 12 for($a = 0; $a -lt $CountOfIdentifiers; $a++) {     $CodeSet = $DiskUniqueIds[$currentArrayIndex]     $Length = $DiskUniqueIds[$currentArrayIndex+8]     $NextOffset = $DiskUniqueIds[$currentArrayIndex+10]     switch ($DiskUniqueIds[$currentArrayIndex+4]) {     0 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: VendorSpecific";break}     1 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: VendorId";break}     2 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: EUI64";break}     3 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: FCPHName";break}     4 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: PortRelative";break}     5 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: TargetPortGroup";break}     6 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: LogicalUnitGroup";break}     7 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: MD5LogicalUnitIdentifier";break}     8 {Write-Host "StorageIdType: ScsiNameString";break} }     switch ($DiskUniqueIds[$currentArrayIndex+12]) {     0 {Write-Host "StorageIdAssoc: Device";break}     1 {Write-Host "StorageIdAssoc: Port";break}     2 {Write-Host "StorageIdAssoc: Target";break} }     $Data = $null     switch($CodeSet) {     2 { #StorageIdCodeSetAscii $DiskUniqueIds_ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement($DiskUniqueIds, $currentArrayIndex+16)         $Data = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAnsi($DiskUniqueIds_ptr, $Length)         break }     3 { #StorageIdCodeSetUtf8 $DiskUniqueIds_ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement($DiskUniqueIds, $currentArrayIndex+16)         $Data = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($DiskUniqueIds_ptr, $Length)         break }     default { #0=StorageIdCodeSetReserved, 1=StorageIdCodeSetBinary for($x = ($currentArrayIndex+16); $x -lt ($currentArrayIndex + 16 + $Length); $x++) {             $Data += , $DiskUniqueIds[$x] }         break } }     Write-Host "Data: " $Data     $currentArrayIndex+=$NextOffset     Write-Host }

Sample Output

Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\taylorb>.\GetCSVDevInfo1.ps1

StorageIdType: EUI64 StorageIdAssoc: Device Data: 0 23 56 0 1 19 0 28

StorageIdType: VendorId StorageIdAssoc: Device Data: IBM 2810XIV 1300113001C

StorageIdType: VendorSpecific StorageIdAssoc: Device Data: vol=CSV_1

StorageIdType: VendorSpecific StorageIdAssoc: Device Data: host=37-4611K2713K

StorageIdType: TargetPortGroup StorageIdAssoc: Port Data: 0 0 0 0

StorageIdType: PortRelative StorageIdAssoc: Port Data: 0 0 7 1


Taylor Brown Hyper-V Enterprise Deployment Team
