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WIQL syntax for Link Query

Flat List Query (Old)

The general Syntax:

select <fields> from WorkItems [where <condition>]
[order by <fields>] [asof <date>]


Link Query

When querying across links, you specify three filters:

· A filter on the work items (Source)

· A filter on the links themselves (Link)

· A filter on the items being pointed to by the links (Target)

           Work Items --------> Links ----------> Linked Work Items


Work Items and Direct Links Query (One Hop Query)

The general syntax:

select <fields> from WorkItemLinks [where <condition>]
[order by <fields>] [asof <date>] [mode(mustcontain|maycontain|doesnotcontain)]


select * from WorkItemLinks where

([Source].[System.WorkItemType] = ‘Feature’ and [Source].[System.State] = ‘Active’) and

 ([System.Links.LinkType] = ‘System.LinkTypes.Dependency-Forward’) and

 (([Target].[System.WorkItemType = ‘Bug’ and [Target].[System.AssignedTo] = @me) order by [System.Id] mode(mustcontain)

The query will return all active features, which have bugs, assigned to me.


The main difference is that we are querying from WorkItemLinks, which makes clear separation between regular queries and link queries.


The "where" clause, only supports 3 separate sections separated by "and" operator:

<source expression> and <link expression> and <target expression>

where any of them is optional, and they can be in any order.


The default mode is “MustContain”, which means that we return links satisfying the criteria, and only them.

The MayContain mode return links satisfying the criteria, but also return items, which satisfy just the source criteria, when target criteria is optional.

The DoesNotContain mode return items, which does not have links specifying by target criteria.

Tree Query

The general syntax:

select <fields> from WorkItemLinks [where <condition>]


select * from WorkItemLinks where

([Source].[System.State] = ‘Resolved’) and

([Target].[System.State] = ‘Resolved’) and

([System.Links.LinkType] = ‘System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward’) mode(recursive)


Same has One Hop Query.


Almost same as one hope query, except that

· Cannot have complex expression on [Link Type] clause.

· [Link Type] cannot be omitted, meaning it is not optional.

· Link type must be Tree topology and forward direction.

“Order by” and “As Of” are not compatible with tree queries.


Tree queries are representing with recursive mode, returning results recursively for target.