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Video: Don't just click OK! Localizing into Vietnamese

What do you typically do when you get one of those notifications that prompt you to either allow a download or cancel?

Do you usually just click “Allow” and hope nothing bad happens? Imagine the dilemma of seeing these notifications in a language you don’t fully understand.

This is one of the reasons why localization is important. Check this new video from the Microsoft Local Language Program about Vietnamese Microsoft products and what users typically do if they don’t fully understand messages.

You can download free Vietnamese Language Interface Packs for Windows 7, Vista and Office 2007 from the Microsoft Local Language Program site (Office 2010 coming in the near future).

Office, Windows and Windows Live terminology can be downloaded to your pc (TBX format) from the Microsoft Language Portal. You can also use the online search to check translations of terms like “shut down”, or Windows commands such as “Manage wireless networks”.