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Tim Sneath

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Great Silverlight 2 Demo: Healthcare Demonstrator

Congratulations to Martin Grayson and team for building one of the smartest Silverlight 2...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 05/08/2008

Controlling the Distribution of Silverlight Updates in the Enterprise

I've posted a few times about issues relating to enterprise distribution of Silverlight, and I...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 04/07/2008

Silverlight 1.0 - New Maintenance Release Available

We released a minor maintenance update to Silverlight 1.0 over the weekend (internally known as...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 04/07/2008

Silverlight UK User Group: Inaugural Meeting April 2nd

The jolly chaps at Conchango are setting up a user group in London to focus on Silverlight, and the...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 04/01/2008

Silverlight Rehab

Just loved the team's latest Silverlight video. Props to Adam, Laura, Nic, Monica, Dan, Scott and...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/31/2008

What does Windows Vista SP1 Mean for Developers?

As many people will have noticed, we released Windows Vista Service Pack 1 this week (read about the...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/19/2008

Uploading Silverlight 2 Content to Silverlight Streaming

Following on very nicely from my last post on deploying Silverlight content to your own production...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/18/2008

Configuring a Web Server to Host Silverlight Content

Deploying Silverlight content to a production web server is a pretty easy process. Despite...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/18/2008

Have YOU Updated Your Windows SDK Recently?

It can be pretty hard to keep everything up-to-date on a developer workstation these days. With so...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/10/2008

Off-Topic: Tipping in Las Vegas

A confession: I'm really bad at tipping. It's not that I'm deliberately ungenerous, but simply that...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/08/2008

MIX08 Day 2 Keynote Live Blog

I'm going to be "live blogging" the Steve Ballmer keynote this afternoon at this URL. Keep...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/06/2008

Registering for the AOL Mail Client

I mentioned yesterday that the Hard Rock memorabilia application was live already at...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/06/2008

A Great Early Silverlight 2 Showcase: TextGlow

We're already starting to see some cool samples that use Silverlight 2 really effectively. Prior to...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/06/2008

So You've Installed Silverlight 2 Beta 1: What Next?

OK, so you've got all the bits downloaded and installed on your machine. What's the best way to...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/05/2008

Here's a consolidated list of all the key downloads you'll need to update your developer workstation...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/05/2008

MIX08 for Non-Attendees

At last, the mad rush is over. The run-up to a conference like MIX is always frantic: for me, the...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 03/03/2008

Video.Show 1.0 Released to Web

After three public preview releases, I'm proud to announce the final version of Video.Show, a...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 02/11/2008

Windows '7' Technical Evangelist: Are YOU The Person We're Looking For?

It's not a state secret that we're in the early stages of development for the next version of...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 01/31/2008

Great Line-of-Business Controls for WPF

I'm delighted to see that Infragistics have just released their NetAdvantage control set for WPF....

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 01/30/2008

Flotzam: Mashing up the Web

Have you seen Flotzam? It's a fun mash-up that Karsten and Tim put together that aggregates a bunch...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 01/25/2008

Making Silverlight Easier for Systems Administrators to Install...

If you're really astute, you may notice that we released a very minor update to the Silverlight 1.0...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 01/22/2008

We've Released the News Reader SDK!

Many of you have seen the New York Times reader application - it was featured as part of the...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 01/16/2008

Silverlight Christmas Cards

Around the world, people are preparing to gather together to celebrate the holiday season, to give...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/18/2007

Great WPF Applications #17: HP Interactive Canvas

Kapow! Shazam! Zing! Mary Jo Foley from ZDNet drove in hard with a right hook last week, referencing...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/17/2007

Why Can't I "Go Live" with Silverlight 1.1 Alpha?

I just wanted to clarify something that is hopefully already pretty well understood. As folk know,...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/12/2007

Share Your Christmas Wishlist / Hatelist with Silverlight

Here's a cool little Silverlight 1.0 application that our team (specifically Adam) assisted with...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/10/2007

The New Iteration: A Whitepaper on the XAML Revolution

Whenever we run a WPF or Silverlight training event or lab, the one question that is guaranteed to...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/07/2007

Great WPF Applications #16: Yahoo! Messenger for Windows Vista

It's time for me to reboot this series that showcases great applications built on WPF. I left it on...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 12/06/2007

Video.Show Update: 1.0 Release Candidate Now LIve

You may be pleased to know that we've just updated Video.Show with a bunch of changes. The 1.0...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 11/30/2007

Silverlight 1.1 is Now Silverlight 2.0

It's been gratifying to see how much excitement there is out there about Silverlight. We've barely...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 11/29/2007

Windows Survey on Deploying and Configuring Applications

As we plan the next release of Windows (turns out that Windows Vista wasn't the last release of...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 11/19/2007

Introducing Video.Show: A Silverlight Reference-quality Sample

One of the favorite things about my job is being able to share really cool new content with you all,...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 11/09/2007

Calling Silverlight 1.1 Developers: Do You Need to Update Your Machine?

I've seen isolated reports of the Silverlight plug-in expiring here and there today from a few...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 11/01/2007

A Silverlight Greetings Card

Thanks to Adam Kinney (again!) for this awesome Halloween greetings card, brought to you by...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/31/2007

Optimizing the Silverlight Install Experience

Adam Kinney wrote a good blog entry last week on the importance for site authors of considering the...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/29/2007

Attend the WPF Virtual Bootcamp - no need to register!

People frequently ask me how they can learn WPF quickly. Now the technology has been on the market...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/26/2007

Silverlight 1.0 Issue Resolution Lab: November 2007

A couple of months ago, we conducted an experiment where we offered our lab facilities and technical...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/24/2007

Has Obama Declared for Silverlight?

As a great example of what you can do today with Silverlight 1.0, I thought I'd bring this sample...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/12/2007

The Zero-Effort Guide to Preparing a Great WPF Presentation

A couple of months ago, I posted a couple of presentations on Silverlight, with the intention of...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 10/05/2007

Deploying Silverlight in the Enterprise

As more and more Silverlight sites become available, enterprise administrators are starting to ask...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 09/28/2007

Halo 3 and Silverlight

Halo 3 and Silverlight are proving the ultimate combination: if you want access to all the latest...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 09/21/2007

The 100th WPF Channel 9 Video: KevinButton on WPF 3.5

I see on the Channel 9 home page that we've hit the milestone of one hundred videos posted on...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 08/09/2007

Updated Silverlight Samples and Yet More RC Bits

Now that the API-complete RC releases of Silverlight have been out for a couple of weeks, most...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 08/08/2007

Silverlight RC2 On The Way - We're Getting CLose!

As we close down on the release, we're actually pushing out an update to the Silverlight RC build in...

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 08/01/2007

How to Embed Silverlight Content in Almost Any Web Page

Catherine Heller has written up a great post that describes a new feature in Silverlight Streaming....

Author: Tim Sneath Date: 07/31/2007

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