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Changes to Remote Management using Hyper-V Manager

In Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 we have made some significant changes to the way Hyper-V Manager connects to a remote system.  From an end-user perspective there are a couple of new things that we now support:

  • You can now provide alternate credentials when connecting to a remote computer
  • You can now connect to a remote computer using just the IP address

From an systems architecture point of view – this is the result of two big changes under the covers:

  • The Hyper-V UI and Hyper-V PowerShell commandlets now share a common back-end infrastructure (this is a big win for quality and consistency of experience)
  • Both of them now use WinRM instead of WMI directly

However, this does mean that the process for getting remote management configured has changed in a number of subtle ways.  If you are struggling to get Hyper-V Manager working remotely on Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016 – there are two things to know:

  1. We have documentation up here:
  2. If you are used to configuring PowerShell Remoting – we now have exactly the same requirements.  If PowerShell Remoting with CredSSP works – then Hyper-V Manager will work.  (Here is a handy guide on this:
