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Editing a .VMCX file

In Windows Server 2016 we moved from using .XML for our virtual machine configuration files to using a binary format – that we call .VMCX.

There are many benefits to this – but one of the downsides is that it is no longer possible to easily edit a virtual machine configuration file that is not registered with Hyper-V.  Fortunately – we provide all the APIs you need to do this without editing the file directly.

This code sample takes a virtual machine configuration file – that is not registered with Hyper-V.  It then:

  • Loads the virtual machine into memory – without actually importing it into Hyper-V
  • Changes some settings on the virtual machine
  • Exports this changed virtual machine to a new .VMCX file

Using this method you can make any changes you need to a .VMCX file without actually having to import the virtual machine.  The key piece of information here is that when you perform a traditional import of a virtual machine you use ImportSystemDefinition to create a planned virtual machine (in memory copy) which you then realized to complete the import operation.  But if you do not want to import the virtual machine – but just want to edit it – you can modify the planned virtual machine and pass it into ExportSystemDefinition to create a new configuration file.
