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Debug Key Shortcuts

There are a few settings in VE3D that you can use for debugging that are turned off by default, but (for a dev anyway) are very easy to turn back on again.  All you need is this file.  Drop it into VE3D's settings directory, which is at this location:

(Vista) C:\Users\{username}\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

(XP) C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\Virtual Earth 3D

Restart VE3D, and the keyboard shortcuts are activated.  Some of the interesting ones:

~ (tilde):   Output trace to the screen.  Useful for seeing the results of the other debug keys.  Plug-ins can also write to Trace and it will output here.

G:   Jump to a saved location.  You can edit the xml file directly to change this location.

T:   Turn on tile boundaries and LODs.  Useful when writing datasources.

L:   Turn on a center marker.  This is the value of the SceneState's CameraData.CenterGroundPosition, which in the center of the scene's foreground (not the center of the screen).

B:   Intersection test.  Items under the cursor are output to Trace, and if they support it, the face that was hit along with a surface normal are displayed.

K:   Display the current query area, which is a rough extent on the ground of what is in view, constrained to not be too large.  This value is from NavigationManager.GetCurrentQueryRegion.

These keys can all be remapped (along with the values for all the controls, in bindings.xml) by simply editing the xml.


  • Anonymous
    October 29, 2008
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    November 13, 2008
    I am trying to change my bindings in order to provide a navigation similar to many games where instead of using a mouse click then drag to initiate a movement, the movement is initiated when the mouse reaches the borders of the window (upper border to move upwards etc...). Is there a way to do this solely by modifying the bindings or should I write my own plugin that would manage this by code and completely unplug the default bindings? Rgds

  • Anonymous
    November 18, 2008
    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  No, I don't think you can do this solely by bindings, because what bindings do is map certain inputs (eg mouse clicks) to certain actions (eg zooming in).  It can't by itself create new inputs or actions. I'm pretty sure this can be done within the bindings system by creating new inputs via a BindingsSource, which could be mapped to existing Actions (like Pitch and Turn).  I still need to convince the author of all that code to do a post on it.

  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2009
    I was having a discussion with Kurt Guenther from Infusion yesterday on the topic of WMS servers and