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Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Jose DelaCruz

Why did you join the ALM Rangers?  

I found very interesting what ALM Ranges are doing, I think I can be of help given my prior ALM/DevOps experience, I want to be part of an ongoing community of which I can make contributions and make a difference.IMG_0181

Who are you?  

I am a Senior IT Consultant with over 20 years of software engineering experience most of it with Microsoft Technologies.  A former Microsoft Certified Trainer (2008, 2010) and US Navy Sailor for 13 years, mobilized to Kuwait to support Operation Iraqi Freedom 2009 – 2010.

Outside of technology I have twin girls, 5 years old that I enjoy spending time with, I try to maintain a somewhat active life, practicing Brazilian Jujitsu and hiking.

What makes you “tick”?

Knowledge and curiosity are my drives, learning new things is what gets me going through the day.  A new tool, language, ways of automate or reduce effort are things that easily catch my attention and gets me going.

Where do you live?

Gaithersburg, MD, USA

This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. SeeRanger Index (Who is Who?)for more details.