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GnssClock.TimeNanos Property


Gets the GNSS receiver internal hardware clock value in nanoseconds.

public long TimeNanos { [Android.Runtime.Register("getTimeNanos", "()J", "", ApiSince=24)] get; }
[<get: Android.Runtime.Register("getTimeNanos", "()J", "", ApiSince=24)>]
member this.TimeNanos : int64

Property Value



Gets the GNSS receiver internal hardware clock value in nanoseconds.

This value is expected to be monotonically increasing while the hardware clock remains powered on. For the case of a hardware clock that is not continuously on, see the #getHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount field. The GPS time can be derived by subtracting the sum of #getFullBiasNanos() and #getBiasNanos() (when they are available) from this value. Sub-nanosecond accuracy can be provided by means of #getBiasNanos().

The error estimate for this value (if applicable) is #getTimeUncertaintyNanos().

Java documentation for android.location.GnssClock.getTimeNanos().

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