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Find2 Interface


Supports general text Find operations in the environment for documents and files.

public interface class Find2 : EnvDTE::Find
public interface class Find2 : EnvDTE::Find
__interface Find2 : EnvDTE::Find
public interface Find2 : EnvDTE.Find
public interface Find2 : EnvDTE.Find
type Find2 = interface
    interface Find
type Find2 = interface
    interface Find
Public Interface Find2
Implements Find


Sub FindExample()  
   Dim objTextDoc As TextDocument  
   Dim objEditPt As EditPoint  
   Dim iCtr As Integer  
   Dim objFind As Find  

   ' Create a new text file.  
   DTE.ItemOperations.NewFile("General\Text File")  

   ' Get a handle to the new document and create an EditPoint.  
   objTextDoc = DTE.ActiveDocument.Object("TextDocument")  
   objEditPt = objTextDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint  
   objFind = objTextDoc.DTE.Find  

   ' Insert ten lines of text.  
   For iCtr = 1 To 10  
      objEditPt.Insert("This is a test." & Chr(13))  
   Next iCtr  

   ' Set the find options.  
   objFind.Action = vsFindAction.vsFindActionReplaceAll  
   objFind.Backwards = False  
   objFind.FilesOfType = "*.txt"  
   objFind.FindWhat = "test"  
   objFind.KeepModifiedDocumentsOpen = True  
   objFind.MatchCase = False  
   objFind.MatchInHiddenText = False  
   objFind.MatchWholeWord = True  
   objFind.PatternSyntax = vsFindPatternSyntax.vsFindPatternSyntaxLiteral  
   objFind.ReplaceWith = "NEW THING"  
   objFind.ResultsLocation = vsFindResultsLocation.vsFindResultsNone  
   objFind.SearchPath = "c:\temp"  
   objFind.SearchSubfolders = False  
   objFind.Target = vsFindTarget.vsFindTargetCurrentDocument  
   ' Perform the Find operation.  
End Sub  


The Find object allows you to find and replace text in places of the environment that support such operations, such as the Code editor.

It is intended primarily for macro recording purposes. The editor's macro recording mechanism uses Find rather than TextSelection.FindPattern so that you can discover the global find functionality. Furthermore, it is generally more useful than using the TextSelection object for such operations as Find-in-files.

The Visual Studio environment's global find state is shared across all its tools and provides search capabilities. For example, all Visual Studio elements share the history of search patterns used during a session and whether the next Find operation for open documents should be forwards or backwards. The Find object's properties interact with and track the global find state. When you set properties on the Find object, you also set the global find state. If users perform a Find operation through the environment, the Find object reflects the kind of search they performed. Since automation code runs synchronously with the environment's UI thread, you do not need to worry about setting some properties and having the user perform a search before you can call the Execute.

The Execute method performs a Find operation based on the settings of the Find object. You can also pass arguments to the FindReplace method to perform a search without affecting the global find state. It is important for automation clients to be able to perform a search without affecting the global find state or interfering with the end user's model of the environment's state.



Gets or sets how to find, such as find next match, find all, replace and find, and so forth.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search is performed backwards from the current position.


Gets the top-level extensibility object.


Gets or sets the file extension for the files to be searched.


Gets or sets the text or pattern to find.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not modified documents remain open after a replace operation.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search is case-sensitive.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether hidden text is included in the search.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the search matches whole words only.


Gets the immediate parent object of a Find object.


Gets or sets the syntax used to specify the search pattern.


Gets or sets the replacement text for a replacement operation.


Gets or sets the location where the results are shown in a bulk search operation.


Gets or sets a list of directories to use for a find-in-files operation.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether subfolders are included in a search operation.


Gets or sets the target of the search operation, such as all open docs, files, the active document, and so forth.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether a find result is returned before continuing execution.



Performs a search based on the options set for the Find object.

FindReplace(vsFindAction, String, Int32, String, vsFindTarget, String, String, vsFindResultsLocation)

Performs a Find or Replace operation based on the arguments to the method, without affecting the options set for the Find object.

Applies to