DidAddAccessory(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMAccessory)
The accessory was added to home .
DidAddActionSet(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMActionSet)
The actionSet was added to home .
DidAddRoom(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom)
The room was added to home .
DidAddRoomToZone(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom, HMZone)
The room was added to zone , which belongs to home .
DidAddService(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMService, HMServiceGroup)
The service was added to group , which belongs to home .
DidAddServiceGroup(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMServiceGroup)
The group was added to home .
DidAddTrigger(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMTrigger)
The trigger was added to home .
DidAddUser(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMUser)
The user was added to home .
DidAddZone(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMZone)
The zone was added to home .
DidEncounterError(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, NSError, HMAccessory)
The error occurred in accessory , which belongs to home .
DidRemoveAccessory(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMAccessory)
The accessory was removed from home .
DidRemoveActionSet(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMActionSet)
The actionSet was removed from home .
DidRemoveRoom(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom)
The room was removed from home .
DidRemoveRoomFromZone(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom, HMZone)
The room was removed from zone , which belongs to home .
DidRemoveService(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMService, HMServiceGroup)
The service was removed from group , which belongs to home .
DidRemoveServiceGroup(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMServiceGroup)
The service was removed from group , which belongs to home .
DidRemoveTrigger(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMTrigger)
The trigger was removed from home .
DidRemoveUser(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMUser)
The user was removed from home .
DidRemoveZone(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMZone)
The zone was removed from home .
DidUnblockAccessory(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMAccessory)
The accessory , which belongs to home , was unblocked.
DidUpdateAccessControlForCurrentUser(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome)
DidUpdateActionsForActionSet(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMActionSet)
The an action in actionSet , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateHomeHubState(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMHomeHubState)
DidUpdateNameForActionSet(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMActionSet)
The name of the actionSet , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateNameForHome(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome)
The name of the home was updated.
DidUpdateNameForRoom(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom)
The name of the room , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateNameForServiceGroup(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMServiceGroup)
The name of the group , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateNameForTrigger(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMTrigger)
The name of the trigger , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateNameForZone(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMZone)
The name of the zone , which belongs to home , was updated.
DidUpdateRoom(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMRoom, HMAccessory)
The accessory was assigned to room , which belongs to home .
DidUpdateTrigger(IHMHomeDelegate, HMHome, HMTrigger)
The trigger , which belongs to home , was updated.