TimeSeriesCatalog.LocalizeRootCause Metodo


Creare RootCause, che localizza le cause radice usando l'algoritmo dell'albero delle decisioni.

public static Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.RootCause LocalizeRootCause (this Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog catalog, Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.RootCauseLocalizationInput src, double beta = 0.3, double rootCauseThreshold = 0.95);
static member LocalizeRootCause : Microsoft.ML.AnomalyDetectionCatalog * Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.RootCauseLocalizationInput * double * double -> Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries.RootCause
Public Function LocalizeRootCause (catalog As AnomalyDetectionCatalog, src As RootCauseLocalizationInput, Optional beta As Double = 0.3, Optional rootCauseThreshold As Double = 0.95) As RootCause



Catalogo di rilevamento anomalie.


Input della causa radice. I dati sono un'istanza di RootCauseLocalizationInput.


Beta è un parametro di peso che l'utente può scegliere. Viene usato quando il punteggio viene calcolato per ogni elemento della causa radice. L'intervallo di beta deve essere compreso in [0,1]. Per una versione beta più grande, gli elementi della causa radice con una grande differenza tra valore e valore previsto otterranno un punteggio elevato. Per una piccola beta, gli elementi della causa radice con una modifica relativa elevata otterranno un punteggio basso.


Soglia per determinare se il punto deve essere la causa radice. L'intervallo di questa soglia deve essere compreso in [0,1]. Se il delta del punto è uguale o maggiore di rootCauseThreshold moltiplicato per il delta del punto di dimensione anomalie, questo punto viene considerato come causa radice. Una soglia diversa risulterà in risultati diversi. Gli utenti possono scegliere il delta in base ai dati e ai loroquirmenti.



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries;

namespace Samples.Dynamic
    public static class LocalizeRootCause
        // In the root cause detection input, this string identifies an aggregation as opposed to a dimension value"
        private static string AGG_SYMBOL = "##SUM##";
        public static void Example()
            // Create a new ML context, for ML.NET operations. It can be used for
            // exception tracking and logging, as well as the source of randomness.
            var mlContext = new MLContext();

            // Create an root cause localization input instance.
            DateTime timestamp = GetTimestamp();
            var data = new RootCauseLocalizationInput(timestamp, GetAnomalyDimension(), new List<MetricSlice>() { new MetricSlice(timestamp, GetPoints()) }, AggregateType.Sum, AGG_SYMBOL);

            // Get the root cause localization result.
            RootCause prediction = mlContext.AnomalyDetection.LocalizeRootCause(data);

            // Print the localization result.
            int count = 0;
            foreach (RootCauseItem item in prediction.Items)
                Console.WriteLine($"Root cause item #{count} ...");
                Console.WriteLine($"Score: {item.Score}, Path: {String.Join(" ", item.Path)}, Direction: {item.Direction}, Dimension:{String.Join(" ", item.Dimension)}");

            //Item #1 ...
            //Score: 0.26670448876705927, Path: DataCenter, Direction: Up, Dimension:[Country, UK] [DeviceType, ##SUM##] [DataCenter, DC1]

        private static List<TimeSeriesPoint> GetPoints()
            List<TimeSeriesPoint> points = new List<TimeSeriesPoint>();

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic1 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic1.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic1.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
            dic1.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 100, true, dic1));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic2 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic2.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic2.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
            dic2.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1000, 100, true, dic2));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic3 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic3.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic3.Add("DeviceType", AGG_SYMBOL);
            dic3.Add("DataCenter", "DC1");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1200, 200, true, dic3));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic4 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic4.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic4.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
            dic4.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(100, 100, false, dic4));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic5 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic5.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic5.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
            dic5.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(200, 200, false, dic5));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic6 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic6.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic6.Add("DeviceType", AGG_SYMBOL);
            dic6.Add("DataCenter", "DC2");
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 300, false, dic6));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic7 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic7.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic7.Add("DeviceType", AGG_SYMBOL);
            dic7.Add("DataCenter", AGG_SYMBOL);
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1500, 500, true, dic7));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic8 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic8.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic8.Add("DeviceType", "Laptop");
            dic8.Add("DataCenter", AGG_SYMBOL);
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(300, 200, true, dic8));

            Dictionary<string, Object> dic9 = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dic9.Add("Country", "UK");
            dic9.Add("DeviceType", "Mobile");
            dic9.Add("DataCenter", AGG_SYMBOL);
            points.Add(new TimeSeriesPoint(1200, 300, true, dic9));

            return points;

        private static Dictionary<string, Object> GetAnomalyDimension()
            Dictionary<string, Object> dim = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            dim.Add("Country", "UK");
            dim.Add("DeviceType", AGG_SYMBOL);
            dim.Add("DataCenter", AGG_SYMBOL);

            return dim;

        private static DateTime GetTimestamp()
            return new DateTime(2020, 3, 23, 0, 0, 0);

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