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_NameSpace.SendAndReceive(Boolean) Method


Initiates immediate delivery of all undelivered messages submitted in the current session, and immediate receipt of mail for all accounts in the current profile.

 void SendAndReceive(bool showProgressDialog);
public void SendAndReceive (bool showProgressDialog);
Public Sub SendAndReceive (showProgressDialog As Boolean)



Indicates whether the Outlook Send/Receive Progress dialog box should be displayed, regardless of user settings.


Calling the SendAndReceive method is asynchronous.

SendAndReceive provides the programmatic equivalent to the Send/Receive All command that is available when you click Tools and then Send/Receive.

If you do not need to synchronize all objects, you can use the SyncObjects collection object to select specific objects. For more information, see SyncObjects.

All accounts defined in the current profile are used in Send/Receive All. If an online connection is required to perform the Send/Receive All, the connection is made according to user preferences.

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