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DbRawSqlQuery<TElement>.AsStreaming Metodo



Queries are now streaming by default unless a retrying ExecutionStrategy is used. Calling this method will have no effect.

Restituisce una nuova query che trasmetterà i risultati anziché il buffering.

[System.Obsolete("Queries are now streaming by default unless a retrying ExecutionStrategy is used. Calling this method will have no effect.")]
public virtual System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbRawSqlQuery<TElement> AsStreaming ();
abstract member AsStreaming : unit -> System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbRawSqlQuery<'Element>
override this.AsStreaming : unit -> System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbRawSqlQuery<'Element>
Public Overridable Function AsStreaming () As DbRawSqlQuery(Of TElement)


Nuova query con AsStreaming applicato.


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