SearchResult Classe


La classe SearchResult incapsula un nodo nella gerarchia dei Servizi di dominio Active Directory restituito durante una ricerca tramite DirectorySearcher.

public ref class SearchResult
public class SearchResult
type SearchResult = class
Public Class SearchResult


Nell'esempio seguente viene creato un nuovo DirectoryEntry oggetto con il percorso desiderato e viene utilizzato il FindOne metodo per avviare la ricerca. Dopo aver eseguito la ricerca, nell'esempio viene usato il GetDirectoryEntry metodo per recuperare la voce della directory dinamica identificata nei risultati della ricerca.

Imports System  
Imports System.DirectoryServices  
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic  

Public Class MySample  
   Public Shared Sub Main()  
      Dim myLDAPPath As String = ""  
         ' Create a 'DirectoryEntry' object to search.  
         Console.WriteLine("Enter the path ( Ex : 'LDAP://MyServer')")  
         myLDAPPath = Console.ReadLine()  
         Dim mySearchRoot As New DirectoryEntry(myLDAPPath)  

         Dim myDirectorySearcher As New DirectorySearcher(mySearchRoot)  

         ' Get the first entry of the search.  
         Dim mySearchResult As SearchResult = myDirectorySearcher.FindOne()  
         If Not (mySearchResult Is Nothing) Then  
            ' Get the 'DirectoryEntry' that corresponds to 'mySearchResult'.  
            Dim myDirectoryEntry As DirectoryEntry = mySearchResult.GetDirectoryEntry()  
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + "The name of the 'myDirectoryEntry' " + _  
                        "directory entry that corresponds to the " + _  
                        "'mySearchResult' search result is : {0}" + _  
                        ControlChars.Newline, myDirectoryEntry.Name)  
            Dim mySearchResultPath As String = mySearchResult.Path  
            Console.WriteLine("The path for the 'mySearchResult' search result is : {0}" + _  
                              ControlChars.Newline, mySearchResultPath)  
            ' Get the properties of the 'mySearchResult'.  
            Dim myResultPropColl As ResultPropertyCollection  
            myResultPropColl = mySearchResult.Properties  
            Console.WriteLine("The properties of the 'mySearchResult' are :")  
            Dim myKey As String  
            For Each myKey In  myResultPropColl.PropertyNames  
               Dim tab1 As String = "    "  
               Console.WriteLine(myKey + " = ")  
               Dim myCollection As Object  
               For Each myCollection In  myResultPropColl(myKey)  
                  Console.WriteLine(tab1 + myCollection)  
               Next myCollection  
            Next myKey  
            Console.WriteLine("The '" + myLDAPPath + "' path not found.")  
         End If  
      Catch e As Exception  
         Console.WriteLine("The '" + myLDAPPath + "' path not found.")  
         Console.WriteLine("Exception : " & e.Message)  
      End Try  
   End Sub 'Main  
End Class 'MySample  
using System;  
using System.DirectoryServices;  

public class MySample  
    public static void Main()  
        string myLDAPPath = "";  
            // Create a 'DirectoryEntry' object to search.  
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the path ( Ex : 'LDAP://MyServer')");  
            myLDAPPath = Console.ReadLine();  

            DirectoryEntry mySearchRoot = new DirectoryEntry(myLDAPPath);  
            DirectorySearcher myDirectorySearcher =   
                    new DirectorySearcher(mySearchRoot);  

            // Get the first entry of the search.  
            SearchResult mySearchResult = myDirectorySearcher.FindOne();  

            if ( mySearchResult != null )  
                // Get the 'DirectoryEntry' that corresponds to 'mySearchResult'.  
                DirectoryEntry myDirectoryEntry =   
                Console.WriteLine("\nThe name of the 'myDirectoryEntry' " +  
                        "directory entry that corresponds to the " +  
                        "'mySearchResult' search result is : {0}\n",  
                string mySearchResultPath = mySearchResult.Path;  
                Console.WriteLine("The path for the 'mySearchResult' search "  
                        + "result is : {0}\n", mySearchResultPath);  

                // Get the properties of the 'mySearchResult'.  
                ResultPropertyCollection myResultPropColl;  
                myResultPropColl = mySearchResult.Properties;  
                Console.WriteLine("The properties of the " +   
                        "'mySearchResult' are :");  

                foreach( string myKey in myResultPropColl.PropertyNames)  
                    string tab = "    ";  
                    Console.WriteLine(myKey + " = ");  
                    foreach( Object myCollection in myResultPropColl[myKey])  
                        Console.WriteLine(tab + myCollection);  
                Console.WriteLine("The '" + myLDAPPath + "' path not found.");  
        catch(Exception e)  
            Console.WriteLine("The '" + myLDAPPath + "' path not found.");  
            Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);  

#using <mscorlib.dll>  
#using <System.dll>  
#using <System.Directoryservices.dll>  

using namespace System;  
using namespace System::Collections;  
using namespace System::DirectoryServices;  
using namespace stdcli::language;  

int main()   
    String^ myLDAPPath = "";  
        // Create a 'DirectoryEntry' object to search.  
        Console::WriteLine("Enter the path ( Ex : 'LDAP://MyServer')");  
        myLDAPPath = Console::ReadLine();  
        DirectoryEntry^ mySearchRoot = gcnew DirectoryEntry(myLDAPPath);  

        DirectorySearcher^ myDirectorySearcher = gcnew DirectorySearcher(mySearchRoot);  

        // Get the first entry of the search.  
        SearchResult^ mySearchResult = myDirectorySearcher->FindOne();  
        if (mySearchResult)   
            // Get the 'DirectoryEntry' that corresponds to 'mySearchResult'.  
            DirectoryEntry^ myDirectoryEntry = mySearchResult->GetDirectoryEntry();  
                String::Concat("\nThe name of the 'myDirectoryEntry' ",  
                "directory entry that corresponds to the ",  
                "'mySearchResult' search result is : {0}\n"),  

            String^ mySearchResultPath = mySearchResult->Path;  
            Console::WriteLine("The path for the 'mySearchResult' search result is :  
                    {0}\n", mySearchResultPath);  

            // Get the properties of the 'mySearchResult'.  
            ResultPropertyCollection^ myResultPropColl = mySearchResult->Properties;  
            Console::WriteLine("The properties of the 'mySearchResult' are :");  
            IEnumerator^ myEnum = myResultPropColl->PropertyNames->GetEnumerator();  
            while (myEnum->MoveNext())   
                String^ myKey = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);  
                Console::WriteLine("{0} = ", myKey);  
                IEnumerator^ myEnum = myResultPropColl->Item[myKey]->GetEnumerator();  
                while (myEnum->MoveNext())   
                    Console::WriteLine("\t{0}", myEnum->Current);  
            Console::WriteLine("The '{0}' path not found.", myLDAPPath);  
    catch (Exception^ e)   
        Console::WriteLine("The '{0}' path not found.",  myLDAPPath);  
        Console::WriteLine("Exception : {0}", e->Message);  


Le istanze della SearchResult classe sono molto simili alle istanze della DirectoryEntry classe . La differenza fondamentale è che la DirectoryEntry classe recupera le informazioni dalla gerarchia Active Directory Domain Services ogni volta che si accede a un nuovo oggetto, mentre i dati per SearchResult sono già disponibili in SearchResultCollection, in cui vengono restituite da una query eseguita con la DirectorySearcher classe . Solo le proprietà specificate tramite la DirectorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad raccolta nella query saranno disponibili da SearchResult.



Recupera il percorso per SearchResult.


Ottiene un insieme ResultPropertyCollection di proprietà per questo oggetto.



Determina se l'oggetto specificato è uguale all'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Recupera dalla gerarchia dei Servizi di dominio Active Directory la classe DirectoryEntry che corrisponde alla classe SearchResult.


Funge da funzione hash predefinita.

(Ereditato da Object)

Ottiene l'oggetto Type dell'istanza corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Crea una copia superficiale dell'oggetto Object corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Restituisce una stringa che rappresenta l'oggetto corrente.

(Ereditato da Object)

Si applica a