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CertificateEmbeddingOption Enumerazione


Specifica la posizione in cui è archiviato il certificato X.509 usato nella firma.

public enum class CertificateEmbeddingOption
public enum CertificateEmbeddingOption
type CertificateEmbeddingOption = 
Public Enum CertificateEmbeddingOption


InCertificatePart 0

Il certificato è incorporato nel relativo oggetto PackagePart.

InSignaturePart 1

Il certificato è incorporato nell'oggetto SignaturePart creato per la firma aggiunta.

NotEmbedded 2

Il certificato non è incorporato nel pacchetto.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato come utilizzare CertificateEmbeddingOption per impostare la PackageDigitalSignatureManager.CertificateOption proprietà .

private static void SignAllParts(Package package)
    if (package == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("SignAllParts(package)");

    // Create the DigitalSignature Manager
    PackageDigitalSignatureManager dsm =
        new PackageDigitalSignatureManager(package);
    dsm.CertificateOption =

    // Create a list of all the part URIs in the package to sign
    // (GetParts() also includes PackageRelationship parts).
    System.Collections.Generic.List<Uri> toSign =
        new System.Collections.Generic.List<Uri>();
    foreach (PackagePart packagePart in package.GetParts())
        // Add all package parts to the list for signing.

    // Add the URI for SignatureOrigin PackageRelationship part.
    // The SignatureOrigin relationship is created when Sign() is called.
    // Signing the SignatureOrigin relationship disables counter-signatures.

    // Also sign the SignatureOrigin part.

    // Add the package relationship to the signature origin to be signed.
    toSign.Add(PackUriHelper.GetRelationshipPartUri(new Uri("/", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)));

    // Sign() will prompt the user to select a Certificate to sign with.

    // If there are no certificates or the SmartCard manager is
    // not running, catch the exception and show an error message.
    catch (CryptographicException ex)
            "Cannot Sign\n" + ex.Message,
            "No Digital Certificates Available",
}// end:SignAllParts()
Private Shared Sub SignAllParts(ByVal package As Package)
    If package Is Nothing Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("SignAllParts(package)")
    End If

    ' Create the DigitalSignature Manager
    Dim dsm As New PackageDigitalSignatureManager(package)
    dsm.CertificateOption = CertificateEmbeddingOption.InSignaturePart

    ' Create a list of all the part URIs in the package to sign
    ' (GetParts() also includes PackageRelationship parts).
    Dim toSign As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Uri)()
    For Each packagePart As PackagePart In package.GetParts()
        ' Add all package parts to the list for signing.

    ' Add the URI for SignatureOrigin PackageRelationship part.
    ' The SignatureOrigin relationship is created when Sign() is called.
    ' Signing the SignatureOrigin relationship disables counter-signatures.

    ' Also sign the SignatureOrigin part.

    ' Add the package relationship to the signature origin to be signed.
    toSign.Add(PackUriHelper.GetRelationshipPartUri(New Uri("/", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)))

    ' Sign() will prompt the user to select a Certificate to sign with.
    Catch ex As CryptographicException

        ' If there are no certificates or the SmartCard manager is
        ' not running, catch the exception and show an error message.
        MessageBox.Show("Cannot Sign" & vbLf & ex.Message, "No Digital Certificates Available", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation)

    End Try
End Sub
Private Shared Function InlineAssignHelper(Of T)(ByRef target As T, ByVal value As T) As T
    target = value
    Return value
End Function
' end:SignAllParts()


Se il certificato si trova NotEmbedded nel pacchetto, un'applicazione che verifica le firme deve fornire una copia del certificato per verificare le firme firmate.

InSignaturePart aggiunge due elementi informativi, <KeyName> e <KeyValue>, come parte del KeyInfo campo della firma digitale archiviata. Gli <KeyName> elementi e <KeyValue> non vengono elaborati come parte della convalida della firma e pertanto non sono protetti dalla modifica. Le applicazioni non devono presupposizione sulla validità di questi due elementi. Per evitare modifiche non rilevate e possibili confusioni, le applicazioni devono usare l'opzione InCertificatePart anziché InSignaturePart. L'opzione InCertificatePart non fornisce o espone <KeyName> o <KeyValue>.

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