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IPInterfaceProperties.AnycastAddresses Proprietà


Ottiene gli indirizzi IP anycast assegnati a questa interfaccia.

 abstract property System::Net::NetworkInformation::IPAddressInformationCollection ^ AnycastAddresses { System::Net::NetworkInformation::IPAddressInformationCollection ^ get(); };
public abstract System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection AnycastAddresses { get; }
public abstract System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection AnycastAddresses { get; }
member this.AnycastAddresses : System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection
member this.AnycastAddresses : System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property AnycastAddresses As IPAddressInformationCollection

Valore della proprietà

IPAddressInformationCollection che contiene gli indirizzi anycast per questa interfaccia.



Nell'esempio di codice seguente vengono visualizzati gli indirizzi anycast per le interfacce di rete nel computer locale.

void DisplayAnycastAddresses()
    int count = 0;
    Console::WriteLine( "Anycast Addresses" );
    array<NetworkInterface^>^adapters = NetworkInterface::GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum13 = adapters->GetEnumerator();
    while ( myEnum13->MoveNext() )
        NetworkInterface ^ adapter = safe_cast<NetworkInterface ^>(myEnum13->Current);
        IPInterfaceProperties ^ adapterProperties = adapter->GetIPProperties();
        IPAddressInformationCollection ^ anyCast = adapterProperties->AnycastAddresses;
        if ( anyCast->Count > 0 )
            Console::WriteLine( adapter->Description );
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum14 = anyCast->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum14->MoveNext() )
                IPAddressInformation ^ any = safe_cast<IPAddressInformation ^>(myEnum14->Current);
                Console::WriteLine( "  Anycast Address .......................... : {0} {1} {2}", 
                    any->Address, any->IsTransient ? "Transient" : "", 
                    any->IsDnsEligible ? "DNS Eligible" : "" );
    if (count == 0)
        Console::WriteLine("  No anycast addresses were found.");
public static void DisplayAnycastAddresses()
    int count = 0;

    Console.WriteLine("Anycast Addresses");
    NetworkInterface[] adapters  = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
    foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in adapters)
        IPInterfaceProperties adapterProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties();
        IPAddressInformationCollection anyCast = adapterProperties.AnycastAddresses;
        if (anyCast.Count >0)

            foreach (IPAddressInformation any in anyCast)
                Console.WriteLine("  Anycast Address .......................... : {0} {1} {2}",
                    any.IsTransient ? "Transient" : "",
                    any.IsDnsEligible ? "DNS Eligible" : ""
    if (count == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("  No anycast addressses were found.");
Public Shared Sub DisplayAnycastAddresses() 
    Dim count as Integer = 0
    Console.WriteLine("Anycast Addresses")
    Dim adapters As NetworkInterface() = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
    Dim adapter As NetworkInterface
    For Each adapter In  adapters
        Dim adapterProperties As IPInterfaceProperties = adapter.GetIPProperties()
        Dim anyCast As IPAddressInformationCollection = adapterProperties.AnycastAddresses
        If anyCast.Count > 0 Then
            Dim any As IPAddressInformation
            For Each any In  anyCast
                Console.WriteLine("  Anycast Address .......................... : {0} {1} {2}", any.Address, IIf(any.IsTransient, "Transient", ""), IIf(any.IsDnsEligible, "DNS Eligible", ""))
            'TODO: For performance reasons this should be changed to nested IF statements
            'TODO: For performance reasons this should be changed to nested IF statements
                count += 1
            Next any
        End If
    Next adapter

    if count = 0 then
        Console.WriteLine("  No anycast addresses were found.")
    End if
End Sub


Un indirizzo anycast identifica più computer. I pacchetti inviati a un indirizzo anycast vengono inviati a uno dei computer identificati dall'indirizzo. L'indirizzamento Anycast è una funzionalità IPv6 usata per aggiornare le tabelle del router per un gruppo di host.

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