Condividi tramite

WebClient.OpenWriteCompleted Evento


Si verifica quando un'operazione asincrona per aprire un flusso per scrivere dati in una risorsa viene completata.

 event System::Net::OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler ^ OpenWriteCompleted;
public event System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler? OpenWriteCompleted;
public event System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler OpenWriteCompleted;
member this.OpenWriteCompleted : System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler 
Public Custom Event OpenWriteCompleted As OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler 
Public Event OpenWriteCompleted As OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler 

Tipo evento


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrata l'impostazione di un gestore eventi per questo evento.

void OpenResourceForWriting2( String^ address )
   WebClient^ client = gcnew WebClient;
   Uri ^uri = gcnew Uri(address);

   // Specify that the OpenWriteCallback method gets called
   // when the writeable stream is available.
   client->OpenWriteCompleted += gcnew OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler( OpenWriteCallback2 );
   client->OpenWriteAsync( uri, "POST" );

   // Applications can perform other tasks
   // while waiting for the upload to complete.
public static void OpenResourceForWriting2(string address)
    WebClient client = new WebClient();
    Uri uri = new Uri(address);

    // Specify that the OpenWriteCallback method gets called
    // when the writeable stream is available.
    client.OpenWriteCompleted += new OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler(OpenWriteCallback2);
    client.OpenWriteAsync(uri, "POST");
    // Applications can perform other tasks
    // while waiting for the upload to complete.
Public Shared Sub OpenResourceForWriting2(ByVal address As String)

    Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient()

    '  Specify that the OpenWriteCallback method gets called
    '  when the writeable stream is available.
    AddHandler client.OpenWriteCompleted, AddressOf OpenWriteCallback2
                Dim uri as Uri = New Uri(address)
    client.OpenWriteAsync(uri, "POST")
    '  Applications can perform other tasks
    '  while waiting for the upload to complete.
End Sub

Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrata un'implementazione di un gestore per questo evento.

void OpenWriteCallback2( Object^ /*sender*/, OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs^ e )
   Stream^ body = nullptr;
   StreamWriter^ s = nullptr;
      body = dynamic_cast<Stream^>(e->Result);
      s = gcnew StreamWriter( body );
      s->AutoFlush = true;
      s->Write( "This is content data to be sent to the server." );
      if ( s != nullptr )
      if ( body != nullptr )

private static void OpenWriteCallback2(Object sender, OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs e)
    Stream body = null;
    StreamWriter s = null;

        body = (Stream)e.Result;
        s = new StreamWriter(body);
        s.AutoFlush = true;
        s.Write("This is content data to be sent to the server.");
        if (s != null)

        if (body != null)
Private Shared Sub OpenWriteCallback2(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs)

    Dim body As Stream = Nothing
    Dim s As StreamWriter = Nothing


        body = CType(e.Result, Stream)
        s = New StreamWriter(body)
        s.AutoFlush = True
        s.Write("This is content data to be sent to the server.")

        If Not s Is Nothing Then

        End If

        If Not body Is Nothing Then

        End If
    End Try
End Sub



WebRequest, HttpWebRequest, ServicePointe WebClient sono obsoleti e non è consigliabile usarli per nuovi sviluppi. Usare invece HttpClient.

Questo evento viene generato ogni volta che un'operazione asincrona consente di aprire un flusso usato per inviare dati a una risorsa completata. Queste operazioni vengono avviate chiamando i metodi di OpenWriteAsync.

Il OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler è il delegato per questo evento. La classe OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs fornisce al gestore eventi i dati dell'evento.

Per altre informazioni su come gestire gli eventi, vedere Gestione e generazione di eventi.

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