IBinaryInteger<TSelf> Interfaccia
Alcune informazioni sono relative alla release non definitiva del prodotto, che potrebbe subire modifiche significative prima della release definitiva. Microsoft non riconosce alcuna garanzia, espressa o implicita, in merito alle informazioni qui fornite.
Definisce un tipo integer rappresentato in un formato base 2.
generic <typename TSelf>
where TSelf : IBinaryInteger<TSelf>public interface class IBinaryInteger : IComparable<TSelf>, IEquatable<TSelf>, IParsable<TSelf>, ISpanParsable<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IAdditionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IBinaryNumber<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IBitwiseOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IComparisonOperators<TSelf, TSelf, bool>, System::Numerics::IDecrementOperators<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IDivisionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IEqualityOperators<TSelf, TSelf, bool>, System::Numerics::IIncrementOperators<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IModulusOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IMultiplyOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::INumber<TSelf>, System::Numerics::INumberBase<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IShiftOperators<TSelf, int, TSelf>, System::Numerics::ISubtractionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf, TSelf>
generic <typename TSelf>
where TSelf : IBinaryInteger<TSelf>public interface class IBinaryInteger : IComparable<TSelf>, IEquatable<TSelf>, IParsable<TSelf>, ISpanParsable<TSelf>, IUtf8SpanParsable<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IAdditionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IBinaryNumber<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IBitwiseOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IComparisonOperators<TSelf, TSelf, bool>, System::Numerics::IDecrementOperators<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IDivisionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IEqualityOperators<TSelf, TSelf, bool>, System::Numerics::IIncrementOperators<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IModulusOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IMultiplyOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::INumber<TSelf>, System::Numerics::INumberBase<TSelf>, System::Numerics::IShiftOperators<TSelf, int, TSelf>, System::Numerics::ISubtractionOperators<TSelf, TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf, TSelf>, System::Numerics::IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf, TSelf>
public interface IBinaryInteger<TSelf> : IComparable<TSelf>, IEquatable<TSelf>, IParsable<TSelf>, ISpanParsable<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IAdditionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IBitwiseOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IComparisonOperators<TSelf,TSelf,bool>, System.Numerics.IDecrementOperators<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IDivisionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IEqualityOperators<TSelf,TSelf,bool>, System.Numerics.IIncrementOperators<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IModulusOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.INumber<TSelf>, System.Numerics.INumberBase<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IShiftOperators<TSelf,int,TSelf>, System.Numerics.ISubtractionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf,TSelf> where TSelf : IBinaryInteger<TSelf>
public interface IBinaryInteger<TSelf> : IComparable<TSelf>, IEquatable<TSelf>, IParsable<TSelf>, ISpanParsable<TSelf>, IUtf8SpanParsable<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IAdditionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IBinaryNumber<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IBitwiseOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IComparisonOperators<TSelf,TSelf,bool>, System.Numerics.IDecrementOperators<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IDivisionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IEqualityOperators<TSelf,TSelf,bool>, System.Numerics.IIncrementOperators<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IModulusOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.INumber<TSelf>, System.Numerics.INumberBase<TSelf>, System.Numerics.IShiftOperators<TSelf,int,TSelf>, System.Numerics.ISubtractionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf,TSelf>, System.Numerics.IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf,TSelf> where TSelf : IBinaryInteger<TSelf>
type IBinaryInteger<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)> = interface
interface IComparable
interface IComparable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEquatable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IFormattable
interface IParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISpanFormattable
interface ISpanParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditiveIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBinaryNumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBitwiseOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IComparisonOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEqualityOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDecrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDivisionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IIncrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IModulusOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplicativeIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplyOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumberBase<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISubtractionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryNegationOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryPlusOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IShiftOperators<'Self, int, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
type IBinaryInteger<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)> = interface
interface IComparable
interface IComparable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEquatable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IFormattable
interface IParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISpanFormattable
interface ISpanParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditiveIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBinaryNumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBitwiseOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IComparisonOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEqualityOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDecrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDivisionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IIncrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IModulusOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplicativeIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplyOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumberBase<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISubtractionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryNegationOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryPlusOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUtf8SpanFormattable
interface IUtf8SpanParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IShiftOperators<'Self, int, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
type IBinaryInteger<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)> = interface
interface IComparable
interface IComparable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEquatable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IFormattable
interface IParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISpanFormattable
interface ISpanParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IAdditiveIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBinaryNumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IBitwiseOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IComparisonOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IEqualityOperators<'Self, 'Self, bool (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDecrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IDivisionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IIncrementOperators<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IModulusOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplicativeIdentity<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IMultiplyOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumber<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface INumberBase<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUtf8SpanFormattable
interface IUtf8SpanParsable<'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface ISubtractionOperators<'Self, 'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryNegationOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IUnaryPlusOperators<'Self, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
interface IShiftOperators<'Self, int, 'Self (requires 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self> and 'Self :> IBinaryInteger<'Self>)>
Public Interface IBinaryInteger(Of TSelf)
Implements IAdditionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IAdditiveIdentity(Of TSelf, TSelf), IBinaryNumber(Of TSelf), IBitwiseOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IComparable(Of TSelf), IComparisonOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, Boolean), IDecrementOperators(Of TSelf), IDivisionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IEqualityOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, Boolean), IEquatable(Of TSelf), IIncrementOperators(Of TSelf), IModulusOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IMultiplicativeIdentity(Of TSelf, TSelf), IMultiplyOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), INumber(Of TSelf), INumberBase(Of TSelf), IParsable(Of TSelf), IShiftOperators(Of TSelf, Integer, TSelf), ISpanParsable(Of TSelf), ISubtractionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IUnaryNegationOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf), IUnaryPlusOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf)
Public Interface IBinaryInteger(Of TSelf)
Implements IAdditionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IAdditiveIdentity(Of TSelf, TSelf), IBinaryNumber(Of TSelf), IBitwiseOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IComparable(Of TSelf), IComparisonOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, Boolean), IDecrementOperators(Of TSelf), IDivisionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IEqualityOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, Boolean), IEquatable(Of TSelf), IIncrementOperators(Of TSelf), IModulusOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IMultiplicativeIdentity(Of TSelf, TSelf), IMultiplyOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), INumber(Of TSelf), INumberBase(Of TSelf), IParsable(Of TSelf), IShiftOperators(Of TSelf, Integer, TSelf), ISpanParsable(Of TSelf), ISubtractionOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf, TSelf), IUnaryNegationOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf), IUnaryPlusOperators(Of TSelf, TSelf), IUtf8SpanParsable(Of TSelf)
- TSelf
Tipo che implementa l'interfaccia .
- Derivato
- Implementazioni
IComparable IComparable<TSelf> IEquatable<TSelf> IFormattable IParsable<TSelf> ISpanFormattable ISpanParsable<TSelf> IAdditionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IAdditiveIdentity<TSelf,TSelf> IBinaryNumber<TSelf> IBitwiseOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IComparisonOperators<TSelf,TSelf,Boolean> IDecrementOperators<TSelf> IDivisionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IEqualityOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> IEqualityOperators<TSelf,TSelf,Boolean> IIncrementOperators<TSelf> IModulusOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplicativeIdentity<TSelf,TSelf> IMultiplyOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> INumber<TSelf> INumberBase<TSelf> IShiftOperators<TSelf,Int32,TSelf> ISubtractionOperators<TSelf,TSelf,TSelf> IUnaryNegationOperators<TSelf,TSelf> IUnaryPlusOperators<TSelf,TSelf> IUtf8SpanFormattable IUtf8SpanParsable<TSelf>
Compare |
Confronta l'istanza corrente con un altro oggetto dello stesso tipo e restituisce un numero intero che indica se l'istanza corrente precede, segue o si trova nella stessa posizione nell'ordinamento dell'altro oggetto. (Ereditato da IComparable) |
Compare |
Confronta l'istanza corrente con un altro oggetto dello stesso tipo e restituisce un numero intero che indica se l'istanza corrente precede, segue o si trova nella stessa posizione nell'ordinamento dell'altro oggetto. (Ereditato da IComparable<T>) |
Div |
Calcola il quoziente e il resto di due valori. |
Equals(T) |
Indica se l'oggetto corrente è uguale a un altro oggetto dello stesso tipo. (Ereditato da IEquatable<T>) |
Get |
Ottiene il numero di byte che verranno scritti come parte di TryWriteLittleEndian(Span<Byte>, Int32). |
Get |
Ottiene la lunghezza, espressa in bit, della rappresentazione complementare più breve del valore corrente. |
Leading |
Calcola il numero di bit zero iniziali in un valore. |
Pop |
Calcola il numero di bit impostati in un valore. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da una determinata matrice, in formato big-endian, e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da una determinata matrice, in formato big-endian, e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da un determinato intervallo, in formato big-endian e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da una determinata matrice, in formato little-endian, e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da una determinata matrice, in formato little-endian, e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Read |
Legge un numero di complemento di due da un determinato intervallo, in formato little-endian e lo converte in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Rotate |
Ruota un valore a sinistra di una determinata quantità. |
Rotate |
Ruota un valore a destra di una determinata quantità. |
To |
Formatta il valore dell'istanza corrente utilizzando il formato specificato. (Ereditato da IFormattable) |
Trailing |
Calcola il numero di bit zero finali in un valore. |
Try |
Prova a formattare il valore dell'istanza corrente come UTF-8 nell'intervallo di byte specificato. (Ereditato da IUtf8SpanFormattable) |
Try |
Tenta di formattare il valore dell'istanza corrente nell'intervallo di caratteri specificato. (Ereditato da ISpanFormattable) |
Try |
Prova a leggere un numero di complemento di due da un intervallo, in formato big-endian e convertirlo in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Try |
Prova a leggere un numero di complemento di due da un intervallo, in formato little-endian e convertirlo in un'istanza del tipo corrente. |
Try |
Prova a scrivere il valore corrente, in formato big-endian, in un intervallo specificato. |
Try |
Prova a scrivere il valore corrente, in formato little-endian, in un intervallo specificato. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato big-endian, in una determinata matrice. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato big-endian, in una determinata matrice. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato big-endian, in un intervallo specificato. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato little-endian, in una determinata matrice. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato little-endian, in una matrice specificata a partire da un indice specificato. |
Write |
Scrive il valore corrente, in formato little-endian, in un intervallo specificato. |
IUtf8Span |
Prova a formattare il valore dell'istanza corrente come UTF-8 nell'intervallo di byte specificato. (Ereditato da INumberBase<TSelf>) |
IUtf8Span |
Analizza un intervallo di caratteri UTF-8 in un valore. (Ereditato da INumberBase<TSelf>) |
IUtf8Span |
Prova ad analizzare un intervallo di caratteri UTF-8 in un valore. (Ereditato da INumberBase<TSelf>) |
Prodotto | Versioni |
.NET | 7, 8, 9 |
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