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String.IsInterned(String) Metodo


Recupera un riferimento a un oggetto String specificato.

 static System::String ^ IsInterned(System::String ^ str);
public static string? IsInterned (string str);
public static string IsInterned (string str);
static member IsInterned : string -> string
Public Shared Function IsInterned (str As String) As String



Stringa da cercare nel pool di centralizzazione.



Riferimento a str, se è presente nel pool di centralizzazione di Common Language Runtime; in caso contrario, null.


str è null.


Nell'esempio seguente viene illustrato che le stringhe letterali vengono interne automaticamente dal compilatore.

// Sample for String::IsInterned(String)
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
using namespace System::Runtime::CompilerServices;

// In the .NET Framework 2.0 the following attribute declaration allows you to 
// avoid the use of the interning when you use NGEN.exe to compile an assembly 
// to the native image cache.
void Test( int sequence, String^ str )
   Console::Write( "{0} The string '", sequence );
   String^ strInterned = String::IsInterned( str );
   if ( strInterned == nullptr )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}' is not interned.", str );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}' is interned.", strInterned );

int main()
   // String str1 is known at compile time, and is automatically interned.
   String^ str1 = "abcd";
   // Constructed string, str2, is not explicitly or automatically interned.
   String^ str2 = (gcnew StringBuilder)->Append( "wx" )->Append( "yz" )->ToString();
   Test( 1, str1 );
   Test( 2, str2 );

//This example produces the following results:

//1) The string, 'abcd', is interned.
//2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.

//If you use NGEN.exe to compile the assembly to the native image cache, this
//example produces the following results:

//1) The string, 'abcd', is not interned.
//2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.
// Sample for String.IsInterned(String)
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

// In the .NET Framework 2.0 the following attribute declaration allows you to
// avoid the use of the interning when you use NGEN.exe to compile an assembly
// to the native image cache.
[assembly: CompilationRelaxations(CompilationRelaxations.NoStringInterning)]
class Sample
    public static void Main()
        // String str1 is known at compile time, and is automatically interned.
        String str1 = "abcd";

        // Constructed string, str2, is not explicitly or automatically interned.
        String str2 = new StringBuilder().Append("wx").Append("yz").ToString();
        Test(1, str1);
        Test(2, str2);

    public static void Test(int sequence, String str)
        Console.Write("{0}) The string, '", sequence);
        String strInterned = String.IsInterned(str);
        if (strInterned == null)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}', is not interned.", str);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}', is interned.", strInterned);

//This example produces the following results:

//1) The string, 'abcd', is interned.
//2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.

//If you use NGEN.exe to compile the assembly to the native image cache, this
//example produces the following results:

//1) The string, 'abcd', is not interned.
//2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.
' Sample for String.IsInterned(String)
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

' In the .NET Framework 2.0 the following attribute declaration allows you to 
' avoid the use of the interning when you use NGEN.exe to compile an assembly 
' to the native image cache.
<Assembly: CompilationRelaxations(CompilationRelaxations.NoStringInterning)> 
Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' String str1 is known at compile time, and is automatically interned.
        Dim str1 As [String] = "abcd"

        ' Constructed string, str2, is not explicitly or automatically interned.
        Dim str2 As [String] = New StringBuilder().Append("wx").Append("yz").ToString()
        Test(1, str1)
        Test(2, str2)
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Test(ByVal sequence As Integer, ByVal str As [String])
        Console.Write("{0}) The string, '", sequence)
        Dim strInterned As [String] = [String].IsInterned(str)
        If strInterned Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("{0}', is not interned.", str)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}', is interned.", strInterned)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This example produces the following results:

'1) The string, 'abcd', is interned.
'2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.

'If you use NGEN.exe to compile the assembly to the native image cache, this
'example produces the following results:

'1) The string, 'abcd', is not interned.
'2) The string, 'wxyz', is not interned.


Common Language Runtime gestisce automaticamente una tabella, denominata pool interno, che contiene una singola istanza di ogni costante stringa letterale univoca dichiarata in un programma, nonché qualsiasi istanza univoca di aggiunta a livello di codice chiamando il String Intern metodo .

Il pool di interna conserva l'archiviazione delle stringhe. Se si assegna una costante stringa letterale a diverse variabili, ogni variabile viene impostata in modo da fare riferimento alla stessa costante nel pool di interno anziché fare riferimento a diverse istanze di con String valori identici.

Questo metodo cerca str nel pool di stag. Se str è già stato internato, viene restituito un riferimento a tale istanza; in caso contrario, viene null restituito .

Confrontare questo metodo con il Intern metodo .

Questo metodo non restituisce un valore booleano. Se si chiama il metodo perché si desidera un valore booleano che indica se una determinata stringa è interna, è possibile usare codice simile al seguente.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      string str1 = "a";
      string str2 = str1 + "b";
      string str3 = str2 + "c";
      string[] strings = { "value", "part1" + "_" + "part2", str3, 
                           String.Empty, null };
      foreach (var value in strings) {
         if (value == null) continue;
         bool interned = String.IsInterned(value) != null;
         if (interned)
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is in the string intern pool.", 
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not in the string intern pool.",
// The example displays the following output:
//       'value' is in the string intern pool.
//       'part1_part2' is in the string intern pool.
//       'abc' is not in the string intern pool.
//       '' is in the string intern pool.
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim str1 As String = "a"
      Dim str2 As String = str1 + "b"
      Dim str3 As String = str2 + "c"
      Dim strings() As String = { "value", "part1" + "_" + "part2", str3, 
                                  String.Empty, Nothing }
      For Each value In strings
         If value Is Nothing Then Continue For
         Dim interned As Boolean = (String.IsInterned(value) IsNot Nothing)
         If interned Then
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is in the string intern pool.", 
            Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not in the string intern pool.",
         End If
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       'value' is in the string intern pool.
'       'part1_part2' is in the string intern pool.
'       'abc' is not in the string intern pool.
'       '' is in the string intern pool.


È possibile eseguire l'override dell'uso del pool interno quando si usa Ngen.exe (generatore di immagini native) per installare un assembly nella cache delle immagini native in un computer locale. Per altre informazioni, vedere Considerazioni sulle prestazioni nella sezione Osservazioni relativa alla Intern proprietà .

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