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TimeZoneInfo.GetAdjustmentRules Metodo


Recupera una matrice di oggetti TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule che vengono applicati all'oggetto TimeZoneInfo corrente.

 cli::array <TimeZoneInfo::AdjustmentRule ^> ^ GetAdjustmentRules();
public TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] GetAdjustmentRules ();
member this.GetAdjustmentRules : unit -> TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[]
Public Function GetAdjustmentRules () As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule()


Matrice di oggetti per questo fuso orario.


La memoria del sistema non è sufficiente per creare una copia in memoria delle regole di rettifica.


Nell'esempio seguente vengono recuperati tutti i fusi orari definiti nel sistema locale e vengono visualizzate informazioni complete sulle relative regole di regolazione nella console.

private enum WeekOfMonth 
   First = 1,
   Second = 2,
   Third = 3,
   Fourth = 4,
   Last = 5,

private static void ShowStartAndEndDates()
   // Get all time zones from system
   ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
   string[] monthNames = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames;
   // Get each time zone
   foreach (TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones)
      TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules();
      // Display message for time zones with no adjustments
      if (adjustments.Length == 0)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} has no adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName);
         // Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
         bool showCount = false;
         int ctr = 0;
         string spacer = "";
         Console.WriteLine("{0} Adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName);
         if (adjustments.Length > 1)
            showCount = true;
            spacer = "   ";
         // Iterate adjustment rules
         foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adjustment in adjustments)
            if (showCount)
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule #{0}", ctr+1);
            // Display general adjustment information
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Start Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateStart);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   End Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Time Change: {1}:{2:00} hours", spacer, 
                              adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours, adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes);
            // Get transition start information
            TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transitionStart = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart;
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual Start: ", spacer);
            if (transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule)
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1], 
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1], 
            // Get transition end information
            TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transitionEnd = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd;
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual End: ", spacer);
            if (transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule)
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1], 
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1], 
type WeekOfMonth = 
    | First = 1
    | Second = 2
    | Third = 3
    | Fourth = 4
    | Last = 5

let showStartAndEndDates () =
    // Get all time zones from system
    let timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
    let monthNames = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames
    // Get each time zone
    for timeZone in timeZones do
        let adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
        // Display message for time zones with no adjustments
        if adjustments.Length = 0 then
            printfn $"{timeZone.StandardName} has no adjustment rules"
            // Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
            let mutable ctr = 0
            let showCount, spacer = 
                if adjustments.Length > 1 then
                    true, "   "
                    false, ""
            printfn $"{timeZone.StandardName} Adjustment rules"

            // Iterate adjustment rules
            for adjustment in adjustments do
                if showCount then
                    printfn $"   Adjustment rule #{ctr + 1}"
                    ctr <- ctr + 1
                // Display general adjustment information
                printfn $"{spacer}   Start Date: {adjustment.DateStart:D}"
                printfn $"{spacer}   End Date: {adjustment.DateEnd:D}"
                printfn $"{spacer}   Time Change: {adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours}:{adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes:D2} hours"
                // Get transition start information
                let transitionStart = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
                printf $"{spacer}   Annual Start: "
                if transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"On {monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1]} {transitionStart.Day} at {transitionStart.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    printfn $"The {transitionStart.Week |> enum<WeekOfMonth>} {transitionStart.DayOfWeek} of {monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1]} at {transitionStart.TimeOfDay:t}"
                // Get transition end information
                let transitionEnd = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
                printf $"{spacer}   Annual End: "
                if transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"On {monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1]} {transitionEnd.Day} at {transitionEnd.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    printfn $"The {enum<WeekOfMonth> transitionEnd.Week} {transitionEnd.DayOfWeek} of {monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1]} at {transitionEnd.TimeOfDay:t}" 
Private Enum WeekOfMonth As Integer
   First = 1
   Second = 2
   Third = 3
   Fourth = 4
   Last = 5
End Enum

Private Sub ShowStartAndEndDates()
   ' Get all time zones from system
   Dim timeZones As ReadOnlyCollection(Of TimeZoneInfo) = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
   ' Get each time zone
   For Each timeZone As TimeZoneInfo In timeZones
      Dim adjustments() As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
      ' Display message for time zones with no adjustments
      If adjustments.Length = 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine("{0} has no adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName)
         ' Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
         Dim showCount As Boolean = False
         Dim ctr As Integer = 0
         Dim spacer As String = ""
         Console.WriteLine("{0} Adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName)
         If adjustments.Length > 1 Then showCount = True : spacer = "   "  
         ' Iterate adjustment rules
         For Each adjustment As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule in adjustments
            If showCount Then 
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule #{0}", ctr+1)
               ctr += 1
            End If
            ' Display general adjustment information
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Start Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateStart)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   End Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateEnd)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Time Change: {1}:{2:00} hours", spacer, _
                              adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours, adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes)
            ' Get transition start information
            Dim transitionStart As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual Start: ", spacer)
            If transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule Then
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                                 MonthName(transitionStart.Month), _
                                 transitionStart.Day, _
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", _
                                 CType(transitionStart.Week, WeekOfMonth).ToString(), _
                                 transitionStart.DayOfWeek.ToString(), _
                                 MonthName(transitionStart.Month), _
            End If
            ' Get transition end information
            Dim transitionEnd As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual End: ", spacer)
            If transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule Then
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                                 MonthName(transitionEnd.Month), _
                                 transitionEnd.Day, _
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", _
                                 CType(transitionEnd.Week, WeekOfMonth).ToString(), _
                                 transitionEnd.DayOfWeek.ToString(), _
                                 MonthName(transitionEnd.Month), _
            End If
      End If   
End Sub


Il GetAdjustmentRules metodo recupera una matrice di System.TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule oggetti . Ogni oggetto nella matrice definisce la data di inizio e di fine effettiva di tale regolazione del fuso orario, nonché il relativo delta (l'esatta quantità in base alla quale la regolazione determina la modifica dell'ora). Inoltre, due proprietà restituiscono System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime oggetti che definiscono quando si verifica ogni transizione annuale da e verso l'ora solare.

Se un fuso orario ha più regole di regolazione, vengono in genere ordinate dal meno recente (in corrispondenza dell'indice 0) alla più recente (in corrispondenza dell'indice Length - 1).

Se un fuso orario non ha regole di regolazione, il GetAdjustmentRules metodo restituisce una matrice vuota (una matrice il cui Length valore è zero).

Le modifiche apportate agli elementi della matrice restituita dal GetAdjustmentRules metodo non vengono riflesse nelle regole di regolazione che appartengono a un determinato fuso orario. Per modificare le regole di regolazione di un fuso orario ,ad esempio per riflettere la transizione cronologica da e verso l'ora legale, è necessario creare un nuovo fuso orario con le regole di regolazione appropriate, anziché modificare quello esistente.

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