Condividi tramite

GridItemPattern.RowProperty Campo


Identifica la proprietà Row.

public: static initonly System::Windows::Automation::AutomationProperty ^ RowProperty;
public static readonly System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty RowProperty;
 staticval mutable RowProperty : System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty
Public Shared ReadOnly RowProperty As AutomationProperty 

Valore del campo



Nell'esempio seguente viene passato un GridItemPattern oggetto ottenuto da un controllo di destinazione in una funzione che recupera i valori correnti GridItemPattern della proprietà.

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current property values from target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gridItemPattern">
/// A GridItemPattern control pattern obtained from 
/// an automation element representing a target control.
/// </param>
/// <param name="automationProperty">
/// The automation property of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// An integer object representing the requested property value.
/// </returns>
private object GetGridItemProperties(
    GridItemPattern gridItemPattern,
    AutomationProperty automationProperty)
    if (automationProperty.Id ==
        return gridItemPattern.Current.Column;
    if (automationProperty.Id ==
        return gridItemPattern.Current.Row;
    if (automationProperty.Id ==
        return gridItemPattern.Current.ColumnSpan;
    if (automationProperty.Id ==
        return gridItemPattern.Current.RowSpan;

    return null;
''' <summary>
''' Gets the current property values from target.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="gridItemPattern">
''' A GridItemPattern control pattern obtained from 
''' an automation element representing a target control.
''' </param>
''' <param name="automationProperty">
''' The automation property of interest.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' An integer object representing the requested property value.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetGridItemProperties( _
ByVal gridItemPattern As GridItemPattern, _
ByVal automationProperty As AutomationProperty) As Object
    If automationProperty.Id = gridItemPattern.ColumnProperty.Id Then
        Return gridItemPattern.Current.Column
    End If
    If automationProperty.Id = gridItemPattern.RowProperty.Id Then
        Return gridItemPattern.Current.Row
    End If
    If automationProperty.Id = gridItemPattern.ColumnSpanProperty.Id Then
        Return gridItemPattern.Current.ColumnSpan
    End If
    If automationProperty.Id = gridItemPattern.RowSpanProperty.Id Then
        Return gridItemPattern.Current.RowSpan
    End If

    Return Nothing

End Function 'GetGridItemProperties


Questo identificatore viene usato da Automazione interfaccia utente applicazioni client. Automazione interfaccia utente provider devono usare il campo equivalente in GridItemPatternIdentifiers.

Si applica a