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DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler Delegato


Rappresenta il metodo che gestirà gli eventi CellBeginEdit e RowValidating di un controllo DataGridView.

public delegate void DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler(object sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e);
public delegate void DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler(object? sender, DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e);
type DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler = delegate of obj * DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler(sender As Object, e As DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs)



Origine dell'evento.


Oggetto DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs che contiene i dati dell'evento.


Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene usato un DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler delegato per verificare se vengono immesse date di traccia e di rilascio valide.

private void ValidateByRow(Object sender, 
    DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs data) 
    DataGridViewRow row = 
    DataGridViewCell trackCell = 
    DataGridViewCell dateCell = 
        row.Cells[songsDataGridView.Columns["Release Date"].Index];
    data.Cancel = !(IsTrackGood(trackCell) && IsDateGood(dateCell));

private Boolean IsTrackGood(DataGridViewCell cell)
    Int32 cellValueAsInt;
    if (cell.Value.ToString().Length == 0)
        cell.ErrorText = "Please enter a track";
        songsDataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].ErrorText = 
            "Please enter a track";
        return false;
    else if (cell.Value.ToString().Equals("0"))
        cell.ErrorText = "Zero is not a valid track";
        songsDataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].ErrorText =
            "Zero is not a valid track";
        return false;
    else if (!Int32.TryParse(cell.Value.ToString(), out cellValueAsInt))
        cell.ErrorText = "A Track must be a number";
        songsDataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].ErrorText =
            "A Track must be a number";
        return false;
    return true;

private Boolean IsDateGood(DataGridViewCell cell) 
    if (cell.Value == null)
        cell.ErrorText = "Missing date";
        songsDataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].ErrorText = 
            "Missing date";
        return false;
        catch (FormatException)
            cell.ErrorText = "Invalid format";
            songsDataGridView.Rows[cell.RowIndex].ErrorText = 
                "Invalid format";

            return false;
    return true;
Private Sub ValidateByRow(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal data As DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs) _
    Handles songsDataGridView.RowValidating

    Dim row As DataGridViewRow = _
    Dim trackCell As DataGridViewCell = _
    Dim dateCell As DataGridViewCell = _
        row.Cells(songsDataGridView.Columns("Release Date").Index)
    data.Cancel = Not (IsTrackGood(trackCell) _
        AndAlso IsDateGood(dateCell))
End Sub

Private Function IsTrackGood(ByRef cell As DataGridViewCell) As Boolean

    If cell.Value.ToString().Length = 0 Then
        cell.ErrorText = "Please enter a track"
        songsDataGridView.Rows(cell.RowIndex).ErrorText = _
            "Please enter a track"
        Return False
    ElseIf cell.Value.ToString().Equals("0") Then
        cell.ErrorText = "Zero is not a valid track"
        songsDataGridView.Rows(cell.RowIndex).ErrorText = _
            "Zero is not a valid track"
        Return False
    ElseIf Not Integer.TryParse( _
        cell.Value.ToString(), New Integer()) Then
        cell.ErrorText = "A Track must be a number"
        songsDataGridView.Rows(cell.RowIndex).ErrorText = _
            "A Track must be a number"
        Return False
    End If
    Return True
End Function

Private Function IsDateGood(ByRef cell As DataGridViewCell) As Boolean

    If cell.Value Is Nothing Then
        cell.ErrorText = "Missing date"
        songsDataGridView.Rows(cell.RowIndex).ErrorText = _
            "Missing date"
        Return False
        Catch ex As FormatException

            cell.ErrorText = "Invalid format"
            songsDataGridView.Rows(cell.RowIndex).ErrorText = _
                "Invalid format"

            Return False
        End Try
    End If
    Return True
End Function


Quando si crea un delegato DataGridViewCellCancelEventHandler, si identifica il metodo che gestirà l'evento. Per associare l'evento al gestore eventi in uso, aggiungere all'evento un'istanza del delegato. Il gestore eventi viene chiamato ogni volta che si verifica l'evento, a meno che non venga rimosso il delegato. Per altre informazioni sui delegati del gestore eventi, vedere Gestione e generazione di eventi.

Metodi di estensione


Ottiene un oggetto che rappresenta il metodo rappresentato dal delegato specificato.

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