Fetch an environment's RSAT certificate in a zip file
You can fetch the Regression Suite Automation Tool (RSAT) certificate bundle for an environment through Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS) via the LCS Environment API. This API returns a Base 64–encoded zip file and a Base 64–encoded password for the private certificate password.
The full process for consuming the zip can be found on the Regression Suite Automation Tool installation and configuration page.
API application
One of the following permissions is required to call this API. For more information about permissions and how to select them, see Database movement API - Authentication.
Permission type | Permissions (from least privileged to most privileged) |
Delegated (work or school account) | user_impersonation |
In LCS, the user who is used in the API OAuth authentication must be added to the project as either a project owner or an environment administrator. The user must accept the invitation to the project.
HTTP request
Use the following GET endpoint to fetch the zip file for an environment's RSAT certificate.
Fetch the RSAT certificate by environment
GET /environmentinfo/v1/rsatdownload/project/{projectId}/environment/{environmentId}
Request headers
Use the following header values in the HTTP request header.
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {token} (required) |
'x-ms-version' | '2017-09-15' (required) |
Content-Type | application/json |
Request body
Don't supply a request body for this method.
The response is always a "200 OK" response, unless you aren't correctly authenticated. Be sure to use the IsSuccess property to evaluate the success or failure of the action.
Property | Description |
CertificateZipEncoded | A zip containing the .PFX and .CER files in a Base 64-encoded byte array. |
CertificateSecretEncoded | The private certificate's private secret as a Base 64-encoded string. This will change every request. |
CertificateThumbprint | The private certificate's thumbprint. |
ExpirationDateTimeUTC | A date and time in UTC (displayed in full text format) after which the certificate is not valid. |
ExpirationISODateTimeUTC | A date and time in UTC (displayed in ISO 8606 format) after which the certificate is not valid. |
Filename | The filename of the zip being returned. |
Example response
Successful response for a project-level request
"Data": {
"CertificateZipEncoded": "<base 64-encoded zip>",
"CertificateSecretEncoded": "<base 64-encoded password>",
"CertificateThumbprint": "5D23AAF6672FD4B957ED3CF91BB8D717A9A2499A",
"ExpirationDateTimeUTC": "Sunday, September 4, 2022 4:00:00 AM",
"ExpirationISODateTimeUTC": "2022-09-04T04:00:00Z",
"Filename": "RSATCertificate_TestEnv1_20210805-100102.zip"
"IsSuccess": true,
"OperationActivityId": "2234bff0-432d-478b-a5ac-1ccb529ee698",
"ErrorMessage": null,
"VersionEOL": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.9999999"
Parsing data via PowerShell
The following example script communicates with the LCS API to download the zip file for the RSAT certificate to the local machine. It shows the private certificate's password in the console window. An access token must be provided.
# Basic LCS API RSAT certificate zip download script
# This will download the RSAT certificate bundle for an environment
# to the current directory and display the private certificate's password
# in the console.
# The user used in the API authentication must be added to the
# project as an Environment Admin or Project Owner
# Configuration
$accessToken = "{access token string}";
$projId = {project id integer};
$envId = "{environment id GUID}"
$baseLCSAPI = "lcsapi.lcs.dynamics.com";
$url = "https://$baseLCSAPI/environmentinfo/v1/rsatdownload/project/$projId/environment/$envId"
$headers = @{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $accessToken"
"x-ms-version" = "2017-09-15"
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
# Reset variable between executions
$certificateResponse = $null
$shouldRetry = $false
do {
$shouldRetry = $false
try {
# GET request to LCS API
$certificateResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $url -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
} catch {
# Check if this is a HTTP 429 error
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 429) {
# Too many requests for this environment, wait and retry
$shouldRetry = $true
$retrySeconds = [int]$_.Exception.Response.Headers['Retry-After']
Write-Host "Too many requests - Retrying in $retrySeconds seconds"
Start-Sleep -Seconds $retrySeconds
} else {
} while($shouldRetry)
if ((-not $certificateResponse.IsSuccess) -or ($certificateResponse.Data -eq $null)) {
Write-Host $certificateResponse.ErrorMessage
$fileName = $certificateResponse.Data.Filename
$certificateZip = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($certificateResponse.Data.CertificateZipEncoded)
$certificateSecret = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString(
# Save the zip to the local disk.
# Could add unzipping in memory and install certificates to correct local certificate stores.
Set-Content $fileName -Value $certificateZip -Encoding Byte
Write-Host "Certificate bundle downloaded to $fileName with private certificate password $certificateSecret"
Rate limits
To better load balance requests, there are rate limits on this API. These limits are also shared with the LCS web interface.
- 1 call for each environment per minute
Requests that exceed the rate limits will be rejected, and an "HTTP 429 Too Many Requests" response will be returned. The retry-after header will indicate the number of seconds that the request can be retried after.