FieldUri (Rule)

The FieldURI element specifies the URI to the rule field that caused the validation error.



Attributes and elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.



Child elements


Parent elements

Element Description
Represents a single validation error on a particular rule property value, predicate property value, or action property value.

Text value

The text value for this element is restricted to one of the following strings:

  • RuleId

  • DisplayName

  • Priority

  • IsNotSupported

  • Actions

  • Condition:Categories

  • Condition:ContainsBodyStrings

  • Condition:ContainsHeaderStrings

  • Condition:ContainsRecipientStrings

  • Condition:ContainsSenderStrings

  • Condition:ContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings

  • Condition:ContainsSubjectStrings

  • Condition:FlaggedForAction

  • Condition:FromAddresses

  • Condition:FromConnectedAccounts

  • Condition:HasAttachments

  • Condition:Importance

  • Condition:IsApprovalRequest

  • Condition:IsAutomaticForward

  • Condition:IsAutomaticReply

  • Condition:IsEncrypted

  • Condition:IsMeetingRequest

  • Condition:IsMeetingResponse

  • Condition:IsNDR

  • Condition:IsPermissionControlled

  • Condition:IsReadReceipt

  • Condition:IsSigned

  • Condition:IsVoicemail

  • Condition:ItemClasses

  • Condition:MessageClassifications

  • Condition:NotSentToMe

  • Condition:SentCcMe

  • Condition:SentOnlyToMe

  • Condition:SentToAddresses

  • Condition:SentToMe

  • Condition:SentToOrCcMe

  • Condition:Sensitivity

  • Condition:WithinDateRange

  • Condition:WithinSizeRange

  • Exception:Categories

  • Exception:ContainsBodyStrings

  • Exception:ContainsHeaderStrings

  • Exception:ContainsRecipientStrings

  • Exception:ContainsSenderStrings

  • Exception:ContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings

  • Exception:ContainsSubjectStrings

  • Exception:FlaggedForAction

  • Exception:FromAddresses

  • Exception:FromConnectedAccounts

  • Exception:HasAttachments

  • Exception:Importance

  • Exception:IsApprovalRequest

  • Exception:IsAutomaticForward

  • Exception:IsAutomaticReply

  • Exception:IsEncrypted

  • Exception:IsMeetingRequest

  • Exception:IsMeetingResponse

  • Exception:IsNDR

  • Exception:IsPermissionControlled

  • Exception:IsReadReceipt

  • Exception:IsSigned

  • Exception:IsVoicemail

  • Exception:ItemClasses

  • Exception:MessageClassifications

  • Exception:NotSentToMe

  • Exception:SentCcMe

  • Exception:SentOnlyToMe

  • Exception:SentToAddresses

  • Exception:SentToMe

  • Exception:SentToOrCcMe

  • Exception:Sensitivity

  • Exception:WithinDateRange

  • Exception:WithinSizeRange

  • Action:AssignCategories

  • Action:CopyToFolder

  • Action:Delete

  • Action:ForwardAsAttachmentToRecipients

  • Action:ForwardToRecipients

  • Action:MarkImportance

  • Action:MarkAsRead

  • Action:MoveToFolder

  • Action:PermanentDelete

  • Action:RedirectToRecipients

  • Action:SendSMSAlertToRecipients

  • Action:ServerReplyWithMessage

  • Action:StopProcessingRules

  • IsEnabled

  • IsInError

  • Conditions

  • Exceptions


The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.

Element information

Name Value
Schema Name
Messages schema
Validation File
Can be Empty

See also