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Quick links

This section contains quick links to helpful developer resources that you can use when working with the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK).

In this section

Access Microsoft Game Development Kit development resources
Describes how to access Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) development resources, such as forums, documentation, samples, and downloads.

Gaming Runtime glossary
A glossary of Gaming Runtime terms.

Microsoft Game Development Kit porting guides
Provides an overview of porting guides that are available in the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK).

Set up your organization in Partner Center
Describes how to set up your organization with a free Microsoft Entra tenant to grant permissions to secure Xbox resources to multiple members.

Xbox hardware
Provides quick links to hardware topics related to development with the Microsoft Game Development Kit.

GDK videos overview
Provides quick links to all GDK videos.

Downloadable content
Provides an overview of development downloads.

Describes the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) samples.