
Gets the buffer results from the XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async function.


HRESULT XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16AsyncResult(
         XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock,
         size_t securityInformationBufferByteCount,
         size_t* securityInformationBufferByteCountUsed,
         uint8_t* securityInformationBuffer,
         XNetworkingSecurityInformation** securityInformation


asyncBlock   _Inout_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

Pointer to the XAsyncBlock structure that gets passed to theXNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async function.

securityInformationBufferByteCount   _In_
Type: size_t

The size, in bytes, to allocate for the results buffer. This data is obtained by calling theXNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16AsyncResultSize function. Alternatively, if you have pre-allocated a large results buffer, you can pass in the size of the pre-allocated buffer.

securityInformationBufferByteCountUsed   _Out_opt_
Type: size_t*

Pointer to the size, in bytes, of the actual results buffer.

securityInformationBuffer   _Out_writes_bytes_to_(securityInformationBufferByteCount,*securityInformationBufferByteCountUsed)
Type: uint8_t*

Pointer to the buffer that contains the thumbprint results.

securityInformation   _Outptr_
Type: XNetworkingSecurityInformation**

Pointer to the list of certificate thumbprints returned from the Network Security Allow List (NSAL).

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.


This function gets the buffer results by calling the XNetworkingQuerySecurityInformationForUrlUtf16Async function. The number of bytes allocated to the results buffer are determined using the securityInformationBufferByteCount pointer. The actual number of bytes of the results buffer are determined using the securityInformationBufferByteCountUsed pointer. Thumbprint results and the list of certificate thumbprints returned from the NSAL are determined by the securityInformationBuffer pointer and the securityInformation pointer. For network information in Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK) titles, see Retrieving Network Information.

This method interrogates the local state within the calling process and returns quickly, so it is safe to call from time-sensitive contexts.


Header: XNetworking.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

HTTP and Web Sockets