Integrate Party with Lobby
PlayFab Lobby and PlayFab Party are often used together to create and orchestrate groups of players before getting them into a networked session. This article describes how to use Lobbies as a convenient mechanism for sharing Party network descriptors by using the C++ Party library with the C++ Multiplayer library.
Set up Party and Multiplayer SDK
Refer the Party and Lobby quickstarts to get started.
Initialize the PlayFab Multiplayer SDK
Please refer Lobby Quickstart to initialize PlayFab Multiplayer SDK.
Create a lobby with a Serialized Network Descriptor string
Create a lobby and set the party network descriptor setting the party network descriptor in text form in the lobby properties. To convert Party network descriptor to char string, use PartyManager::SerializeNetworkDescriptor().
The defines below are the Lobby properties and the keys and values used to search.
const char* c_propertyKey_LobbyName{ "LobbyName" };
const char* c_propertyKey_PartyDescriptor{ "PartyDescriptor" };
const char* c_searchKey_LobbyGroup{ "string_key1" }; // For Key to identify lobby group
const char* c_searchValue_LobbyGroup{ "PartySample" }; // Use a identifiable string for search lobby group
// The reason for setting this value is to get the lobby name only from the search results,
// and in practice, change it appropriately for the your game.
const char* c_searchKey_LobbyName{ "string_key2" };
- Call PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby
- Check for asynchronous completion by periodically polling PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges for a PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange.
char descriptor[c_maxSerializedNetworkDescriptorStringLength + 1] = {};
// Serialize our local network descriptor for other peers to use
PartyError err = PartyManager::SerializeNetworkDescriptor(&networkDescriptor, descriptor);
if (PARTY_FAILED(err))
// handle immediate create failure
DEBUGLOG("SerializeNetworkDescriptor failed! %s\n", GetErrorMessage(err));
return false;
std::vector<const char*> lobbyPropertyKeys;
std::vector<const char*> lobbyPropertyValues;
std::vector<const char*> searchPropertyKeys;
std::vector<const char*> searchPropertyValues;
PFLobbyCreateConfiguration lobbyConfiguration{};
lobbyConfiguration.maxMemberCount = 16;
lobbyConfiguration.ownerMigrationPolicy = PFLobbyOwnerMigrationPolicy::Automatic;
lobbyConfiguration.accessPolicy = PFLobbyAccessPolicy::Public;
lobbyConfiguration.lobbyPropertyCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(lobbyPropertyKeys.size());
lobbyConfiguration.lobbyPropertyKeys =;
lobbyConfiguration.lobbyPropertyValues =;
lobbyConfiguration.searchPropertyCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(searchPropertyKeys.size());
lobbyConfiguration.searchPropertyKeys =;
lobbyConfiguration.searchPropertyValues =;
PFLobbyJoinConfiguration memberConfiguration{};
PFLobbyHandle lobby;
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby(m_pfmHandle, &userEntity, &lobbyConfiguration, &memberConfiguration, nullptr, &lobby);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle immediate create failure
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
// NOTE: to simplify this quickstart, we'll synchronously block waiting waiting for the CreateAndJoinLobby operation
// to finish. In a real implementation, this polling would be done asynchronously on a background thread/worker.
bool createAndJoinLobbyFinished = false;
while (!createAndJoinLobbyFinished)
uint32_t lobbyStateChangeCount;
const PFLobbyStateChange* const* lobbyStateChanges;
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, &lobbyStateChangeCount, &lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle the failure
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lobbyStateChangeCount; ++i)
const PFLobbyStateChange* stateChange = lobbyStateChanges[i];
switch (stateChange->stateChangeType)
case PFLobbyStateChangeType::CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted:
auto createAndJoinStateChange =
static_cast<const PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange*>(stateChange);
if (SUCCEEDED(createAndJoinStateChange->result))
// lobby successfully created!
DEBUGLOG("Lobby 0x%p successfully created!\n", createAndJoinStateChange->lobby);
createAndJoinLobbyFinished = true;
hr = PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, lobbyStateChangeCount, lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
Find lobbies
For details of how to use Find lobbies, use the following link Find lobbies
Now you can use the Find Lobbies API to search for the lobby which is created above using the c_searchValue_LobbyType
to obtain the serialized network descriptor.
std::string filterString;
filterString.append(" eq '");
PFLobbySearchConfiguration searchConfiguration = { 0 };
searchConfiguration.filterString = filterString.c_str();
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerFindLobbies(m_pfmHandle, &localUser, &searchConfiguration, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle immediate find lobbies failure
printf("PFMultiplayerFindLobbies failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
// NOTE: to simplify this quickstart, we'll synchronously block waiting waiting for the FindLobbies operation
// to finish. In a real implementation, this polling would be done asynchronously on a background thread/worker.
bool findLobbiesFinished = false;
while (!findLobbiesFinished)
uint32_t lobbyStateChangeCount;
const PFLobbyStateChange* const* lobbyStateChanges;
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, &lobbyStateChangeCount, &lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle the failure
printf("PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lobbyStateChangeCount; ++i)
const PFLobbyStateChange* stateChange = lobbyStateChanges[i];
switch (stateChange->stateChangeType)
case PFLobbyStateChangeType::FindLobbiesCompleted:
auto findLobbiesStateChange =
static_cast<const PFLobbyFindLobbiesCompletedStateChange*>(stateChange);
if (FAILED(findLobbiesStateChange->result))
printf("PFLobbyStateChangeType::FindLobbiesCompleted failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(findLobbiesStateChange->result));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < findLobbiesStateChange->searchResultCount; ++i)
const PFLobbySearchResult& searchResult = findLobbiesStateChange->searchResults[i];
// Use searchResult.connectionString for connecting a lobby later.
MyGame::GuiPostLobbySearchResultRow(searchResult); // defined elsewhere
findLobbiesFinished = true;
hr = PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, lobbyStateChangeCount, lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
Join a lobby
Now join the lobby which is obtained from the previous "Find Lobbies" operation by using the connectionString which is part of PFLobbySearchResult.
// Fill in the member properties of user for referencing in the game.
const char* playerColorPropertyKey = "PlayerColor";
const char* playerColorPropertyValue = MyGame::GetPlayerColorString(localUser);
std::vector<const char*> memberPropertyKeys;
std::vector<const char*> memberPropertyValues;
PFLobbyJoinConfiguration joinConfig;
joinConfig.memberPropertyCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(memberPropertyKeys.size());
joinConfig.memberPropertyKeys =;
joinConfig.memberPropertyValues =;
// Join the lobby using the connection string
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerJoinLobby(m_pfmHandle, &localUser, connectionString, &joinConfig, nullptr, &m_lobby);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle immediate join lobby failure
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerJoinLobby failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
// NOTE: to simplify this quickstart, we'll synchronously block waiting waiting for the JoinLobby operation
// to finish. In a real implementation, this polling would be done asynchronously on a background thread/worker.
bool joinLobbyFinished = false;
while (!joinLobbyFinished)
uint32_t lobbyStateChangeCount;
const PFLobbyStateChange* const* lobbyStateChanges;
HRESULT hr = PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, &lobbyStateChangeCount, &lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
// handle the failure
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lobbyStateChangeCount; ++i)
const PFLobbyStateChange* stateChange = lobbyStateChanges[i];
switch (stateChange->stateChangeType)
case PFLobbyStateChangeType::JoinLobbyCompleted:
auto joinStateChange =
static_cast<const PFLobbyJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange*>(stateChange);
if (SUCCEEDED(joinStateChange->result))
// lobby successfully joined!
m_lobby = joinStateChange->lobby;
uint32_t propertyCount;
const char* const* keys;
HRESULT hr = PFLobbyGetLobbyPropertyKeys(joinStateChange->lobby, &propertyCount, &keys);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
std::string descriptor;
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < propertyCount; idx++)
const char* value;
hr = PFLobbyGetLobbyProperty(joinStateChange->lobby, keys[idx], &value);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (strcmp(keys[idx], c_propertyKey_PartyDescriptor) == 0 && value)
descriptor = value;
if (!descriptor.empty())
partyDescriptor = descriptor;
// report asynchronous failure
DEBUGLOG("Failed to join lobby 0x%p! No Party descriptor found\n",
joinLobbyFinished = true;
hr = PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges(m_pfmHandle, lobbyStateChangeCount, lobbyStateChanges);
if (FAILED(hr))
DEBUGLOG("PFMultiplayerFinishProcessingLobbyStateChanges failed! %s\n", PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage(hr));
return false;
Next Steps
Read more about Party Quickstart: Connect to a Party network to connect Party network.
See also
Party SDK
- Party features
- Party SDKs
- Multiplayer Services
- Party objects and their relationships
- Party API reference documentation