automaticRepliesSetting resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Configuration settings to automatically notify the sender of an incoming email with a message from the signed-in user. For example, an automatic reply to notify that the signed-in user is unavailable to respond to emails.
Property | Type | Description |
externalAudience | externalAudienceScope | The set of audience external to the signed-in user's organization who will receive the ExternalReplyMessage, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . The possible values are: none , contactsOnly , all . |
externalReplyMessage | string | The automatic reply to send to the specified external audience, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . |
internalReplyMessage | string | The automatic reply to send to the audience internal to the signed-in user's organization, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . |
scheduledEndDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | The date and time that automatic replies are set to end, if Status is set to Scheduled . |
scheduledStartDateTime | dateTimeTimeZone | The date and time that automatic replies are set to begin, if Status is set to Scheduled . |
status | automaticRepliesStatus | Configurations status for automatic replies. The possible values are: disabled , alwaysEnabled , scheduled . |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"externalAudience": "String",
"externalReplyMessage": "string",
"internalReplyMessage": "string",
"scheduledEndDateTime": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone"},
"scheduledStartDateTime": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.dateTimeTimeZone"},
"status": "String"