licenseAssignmentState resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
The licenseAssignmentStates property of the user entity is a collection of licenseAssignmentState objects. It provides details about license assignments to a user. The details include information such as:
- What plans are disabled for a user
- Whether the license was assigned to the user directly or inherited from a group
- The current state of the assignment
- Error details if the assignment state is Error
Property | Type | Description |
assignedByGroup | String | Indicates whether the license is directly assigned or inherited from a group. If directly assigned, this field is null ; if inherited through a group membership, this field contains the ID of the group. Read-Only. |
disabledPlans | String collection | The service plans that are disabled in this assignment. Read-Only. |
error | String | License assignment failure error. If the license is assigned successfully, this field is Null. Read-Only. The possible values are CountViolation , MutuallyExclusiveViolation , DependencyViolation , ProhibitedInUsageLocationViolation , UniquenessViolation , and Other . For more information on how to identify and resolve license assignment errors, see here. |
lastUpdatedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The timestamp when the state of the license assignment was last updated. |
skuId | String | The unique identifier for the SKU. Read-Only. |
state | String | Indicate the current state of this assignment. Read-Only. The possible values are Active , ActiveWithError , Disabled , and Error . |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"assignedByGroup": "String",
"disabledPlans": "Collection(String)",
"error": " String ",
"lastUpdatedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"skuId": "String ",
"state": "String"