expediteSettings resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates


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Represents settings for expediting the deployment of content.

The catalog content has the property isExpeditable set to true if it can be expedited. If an attempt is made to create a deployment tagged with isExpedited set to true but the content has isExpeditable set to false, then the operation might return a 400 Bad Request response code. For more information, see Deploy an expedited quality update using Windows Autopatch.

An expedite readiness test is an expedited deployment that delivers no content to the device. The purpose of designating an expedited deployment as a readiness test is to ensure that the device meets the prerequisites for a successful expedited quality update deployment. An attempt that is made to create a deployment with isExpedited set to false and isReadinessTest set to true returns a 400 Bad Request response code.


Property Type Description
isExpedited Boolean True indicates that the deployment of the content is expedited.
isReadinessTest Boolean True indicates that the deployment is an expedite readiness test.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsUpdates.expediteSettings",
  "isExpedited": "Boolean", 
  "isReadinessTest": "Boolean"