Creare app e agenti di intelligenza artificiale
17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
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The education API in Microsoft Graph enhances Microsoft 365 resources with information that is relevant for education scenarios, including information about schools, classes, users (students and teachers), assignments, and submissions. This makes it easy for you to build solutions that integrate with educational resources for various school and classroom scenarios.
Most education software developers learn early on that class roster is one of the key pieces of information they need to run their application, and it's typically locked away inside a school Student Information System (SIS). Any time teachers bring a new application into their classroom, they spend time manually importing roster data into the app. Many independent software vendors (ISVs) address this by connecting with a SIS to import roster data. With hundreds of Student Information Systems with proprietary formats, this can become a challenge.
Microsoft School Data Sync, combined with roster APIs, addresses this challenge for application developers and schools. The following are some of the scenarios that the roster APIs enable:
You can use the assignment-related education APIs to integrate with assignments in Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams in Microsoft 365 for Education is based on the same education APIs, and provides a use case for what you can do with the APIs. Your app can use these APIs to interact with assignments throughout the assignment lifecycle.
The assignment APIs provide the following key resources:
With the assignment API, your app can interact with the assignment service outside of Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams will handle distribution, due dates, and grading while your system can provide a rich learning experience to students.
The following are examples of a few scenarios enabled by the assignments API:
Microsoft Reflect is a wellbeing app designed to foster connection, expression, and learning by promoting self-awareness, empathy, and emotional growth. You can integrate with Microsoft Reflect to get student responses to Reflect check-ins.
The Microsoft Reflect reports APIs support the following scenarios:
Looking for the API reference for this service?
To start using the education APIs, see:
Explore the following education-related samples:
Creare app e agenti di intelligenza artificiale
17 mar, 21 - 21 mar, 10
Partecipa alla serie meetup per creare soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale scalabili basate su casi d'uso reali con altri sviluppatori ed esperti.
Iscriviti subitoFormazione
Education solutions following School Data Sync deployment - Training
This module teaches education partners about inclusively-designed tools that accelerate learning and support instructional and IT leaders. Part of the Partner Success Series.
Microsoft Certified Educator - Certifications
Verificare di avere le competenze di alfabetizzazione tecnologica dei docenti globali necessarie per offrire un'esperienza di apprendimento completa e personalizzata per gli studenti.
Working with education APIs in Microsoft Graph - Microsoft Graph beta
The education APIs in Microsoft Graph enhance Microsoft 365 resources and data with information that is relevant for education scenarios, including schools, students, teachers, classes, enrollments, and assignments.
List educationSchools - Microsoft Graph v1.0
Get a list of the educationSchool objects and their properties.
educationSchool resource type - Microsoft Graph beta
A school. The **educationSchool** resource currently corresponds to an administrativeUnit resource and shares the same ID.